Being more vulnerable with your partner can improve intimacy

— Here are 6 tips for letting your guard down By Rebecca Strong Being vulnerable with your partner can improve trust, communication, conflict, and your sex life. Sharing your needs, hopes, fears, and emotions can feel scary if you’ve been hurt in the past. Therapists suggest starting slow, using physical touch, and telling your partner …

Why are some women still hesitant to masturbate?

“Why would I want to want to be intimate with myself? It feels like I would be doing something inappropriate.” By BELLA BLACKWELL Growing up, masturbation was often considered a taboo topic, shrouded in shame and awkwardness. The connotations surrounding female sexual pleasure (which largely do not apply to men) have understandably led to some …

What Is Outing?

by Kristen Fischer Telling someone else (or others) about a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity without their approval is also called “outing.” In some cases, it’s not done to harm the person; in other situations, the person sharing the information does so to retaliate or to shame the other person.They may even do it …

10 tips to support a kid exploring their gender identity

by Alexandra Catherine Lee Gender identity isn’t a choice — accepting your kid’s gender is the first step to supporting them. You can also support your kid by using the right pronouns and making your home a safe space.  New clothes, hairstyles, and room decor may also help your kid feel more comfortable as themselves. …

Americans’ support for transgender rights has declined.

— Here’s why. The culture war over transgender rights is part of a fight over competing notions of gender and sexuality, including issues like abortion and sex education by Kelsy Burke and Emily Kazyak During the 2022 midterm election campaign, Republican public officials targeted transgender rights in what NPR and other news media have called …

New theory suggests female orgasms are an evolutionary leftover

Having bad sex? Don’t blame yourself or your partner—blame evolution By Elizabeth Pennisi Billy Crystal may have been shocked when Meg Ryan so effectively—and amusingly—faked an orgasm in a restaurant during the 1989 movie When Harry Met Sally, but surveys suggest only one-third of women are regularly fully aroused during intercourse. And although poor partner …

7 Ways To Have An Open Relationship When You’re Married

By loren_lankford Are you curious about an open relationship, but not sure where to start? Maybe you’ve talked about it with your partner but don’t know how to have an open relationship and move forward. Remember: all relationships are unique — one size does not fit all. Use these tips as a guide, but do what …

Faking Your Orgasms Is Messing With Your Relationship

— Here’s How By Aliyah Moore, Ph.D. “Did you orgasm?” Many of us have been hit with that awkward question, and I’ll admit that I’ve found it easier to just say yes sometimes. Having an uncomfortable conversation about my sexual satisfaction isn’t how I want to end most nights. Eventually, I found it easier to …