It took us long enough, but we’re finally paying attention to women’s pleasure

By Erin Magner While the history of women and pleasure is fraught with stigma, it appears we’re in the midst of a pleasure revolution. Now, female-identifying founders are creating pornography, sex toys, sex-education platforms, and erotica, all of which normalizes and celebrates a woman’s right to get off. Not only are consumers turned on by …

Female husbands

Far from being a recent or 21st-century phenomenon, people have chosen, courageously, to trans gender throughout history By Jen Manion One summer night in 1836, police found George Wilson drunk on the street in the Lower East Side in New York City. An officer took Wilson to the station. The officer believed that Wilson was …

What it’s like to be sharing a polyamorous home during lockdown

Love in the time of coronavirus is tough enough for two. Adding a third or fourth romantic partner to the quarantine equation only makes life more complicated. by Abby Moss Quarantine is putting a lot of strain on people in relationships. For long-term couples, being trapped under the same roof 24/7 is inevitably going to …

Why These Sexual Health Educators Took Their Activism Online

Education can be radical. by Gretchen Brown Sonalee Rashatwar believes education can be radical. “Any time we are giving someone information about their own body, we are informing them about their rights, and that’s political,” she said. “It destabilizes the structure when I tell someone they don’t have to opt into it.” Rashatwar is a …

Sex during lockdown

Are we witnessing a cybersexual revolution? Quarantine encourages the prosperity of sexual exploration. In the absence of consequence, there’s an abundance of freedom By Ciara Gaffney It’s with an almost nascent nostalgia that I recall the coining of the Gen Z “sexual recession”: a patronizing concern that our youngest generation would be rendered psychosexually stunted, …

Your Guide to Fertility and Getting Pregnant

Here’s a primer on how to conceive, whatever your sexual orientation, gender identity or relationship status. By Brooke Borel The early scenes of “Private Life,” a 2018 Netflix film about a New York City couple who are trying to conceive, present an unsettling scenario for anyone pondering their biological clock: A 40-something woman wakes up …

Sexual assault is a consequence of how society is organized

By Jennifer Hirsch and Shamus Khan The Department of Education is about to release new rules about how schools must deal with sexual harassment, stalking, and sexual assault. There’s a lot that’s disastrous about this interpretation of Title IX, which is supposed to promote equal access to education for women. But what’s largely missing from …