Are You Ready to Have ‘The Big Sex Talk’ With Your Teen?

— How to ensure the young adults in your life have the sexual health information they need. By Ella Dorval Hall As a parent, your child’s physical and emotional safety is likely your highest priority. While sexual health is a huge component of this, many parents don’t know how to support their teen’s sexual well-being. …

Everything to Know About Gender-Neutral Terms and How to Use Them

— “Gender-neutral language is honestly an easy way to show respect and acceptance to everyone we come into contact with.” By Jamie Ballard The language we use when we’re speaking to and about people is significant. It can impact how we see others, how we see ourselves, and how people are treated in workplaces, social …

Seeking Sex Therapy

— Sexual dysfunctions affect a multitude of people throughout their lives. Therefore, it’s a common occurrence to visit a sex therapist. But, what motivates people to seek help? In this article, we’ll investigate. By Gorka Jiménez Pajares If you’re seeking sex therapy, you’re probably aware of its possible implications in other areas of your life. …

Sex? Sexual intercourse? Neither?

— Teens weigh in on evolving definitions — and habits By JOCELYN GECKER Situationships. “Sneaky links.” The “talking stage,” the flirtatious getting-to-know-you phase — typically done via text — that can lead to a hookup. High school students are having less sexual intercourse. That’s what the studies say. But that doesn’t mean they’re having less …

Your Guide To Buying Condoms Because Prioritizing Your Sexual Health Is A Flex

By Frances Dean Taking care of your sexual health pleasure is actually a huge flex, but society doesn’t make it easy to feel empowered while buying birth control. Condoms — the easiest kind of birth control to obtain and the kind with the least amount of side effects — are marketed almost exclusively to cisgender …

Expert Shares Why You May Be Struggling To Orgasm With Your Partner

BY Tessa Somberg At various points in our lives, orgasms can be the ultimate bliss and the ultimate frustration. Remember that our relationships with our bodies can be fluid and changeable, and sometimes, this can change the sex we have with our partners. For many women, achieving orgasm with a partner can be a challenge …