Dating in Captivity

Go ahead and reinstall Tinder in self-isolation. Or, if that doesn’t work, join a virtual sext bunker. By Allison P. Davis Some things about the human spirit persist, even in crisis: namely, our hunger for one another. Lauren, an editor in Austin, started seeing someone a month ago, and by date three, they’d declared their …

Why These Sexual Health Educators Took Their Activism Online

Education can be radical. by Gretchen Brown Sonalee Rashatwar believes education can be radical. “Any time we are giving someone information about their own body, we are informing them about their rights, and that’s political,” she said. “It destabilizes the structure when I tell someone they don’t have to opt into it.” Rashatwar is a …

Your Guide to Fertility and Getting Pregnant

Here’s a primer on how to conceive, whatever your sexual orientation, gender identity or relationship status. By Brooke Borel The early scenes of “Private Life,” a 2018 Netflix film about a New York City couple who are trying to conceive, present an unsettling scenario for anyone pondering their biological clock: A 40-something woman wakes up …

How not to destroy your relationship during lockdown

By Melody Thomas Humans don’t deal all that well with uncertainty – not knowing what’s about to happen causes us more stress than knowing for certain something bad is. In the face of a global pandemic, where the outcomes are largely unknown, many romantic relationships will experience an increase in tension and conflict. Uncertainty breeds …

The awkward intimacy of video dates, when they’re in your bedroom but you can’t touch

By Lisa Bonos Priscilla McGregor-Kerr is about to have a first date while dressed in pajamas. On a Thursday night, the 25-year-old Londoner dabs a bit of concealer under her eyes, fills in her eyebrows and runs a mascara brush through her lashes. She’ll put on just a bit of makeup, not a full face, …

What It’s Like to Break Up With a Sex Work Client You Fell For

“I was happy to pursue a flirty friendship with someone who I thought could be much more to me than just someone who paid for nudes.” by Sofia Barrett-Ibarria Like any other job, sex work can be exciting, dynamic, and stimulating—and deeply frustrating, disheartening, and painfully boring. It differs, though, in that it’s often based …

Using Pornography to Rewrite the Script for Consent

Anti-pornography feminists see porn as inherently degrading and exploitative, but for some viewers it can be hugely empowering and even a challenge to rape culture. By: Milena Popova There is a strong and long-lived strand of feminist thought that regards pornography as deeply implicated in the prevalence of sexual and other violence against women. Pornography …