Taking Genuine Interest in Your Partner by Building (and Adding to) a Love Map Is Key to a Strong Relationship

By Helen Carefoot When you first meet someone you’re interested in dating or pursuing a romantic relationship with, you may find yourself intensely curious about them. Perhaps you find yourself doing a sneaky Insta-scroll or wading through old tagged photos on Facebook—you want to know everything, from the seemingly mundane and simple to the complex …

Understanding the Transgender Portion of Our Population

— Trans people make up approximately 1–2% of the population, though this could change in the future. By Soren Hodshire Transgender people are more common than you might think. Being transgender is not a trend, and it’s not new. Trans people have existed throughout history and will continue to be an important part of our …

How Hannah Arendt’s Zionism Helped Create American Gay Identity

— The pioneering gay writer and editor Michael Denneny, who died on April 12, learned from his teacher Arendt that an individual can be free only as part of a free community by Blake Smith Hannah Arendt left behind little in the way of an obvious institutional or intellectual legacy during her brief years at …

Emily Morse Wants You to Think Seriously About an Open Relationship

By David Marchese For nearly 20 years, Emily Morse has been publicly talking with people about sex. She has done it in intimate, small-group conversations with friends; she has done it on radio and TV and social media; and the sex therapist has done it, most prominently, on her popular “Sex With Emily” podcast. A …

What Is Gender-Affirming Care?

By Mira Miller Gender-affirming generally refers to the medical, psychological, and social support provided to individuals who are transgender, non-binary, or gender expansive. to help align their gender identity with their outward appearance and improve their overall well-being. This type of care can include socially transitioning by changing one’s name, pronouns or way of presenting; …

Beyond the Bedroom

—Why Great Sex Makes for a Great Life (and Good Health) By Stacey Lindsay I’ve always understood good sex to include an orgasm and a connection with the person I’m sleeping with. But great mindful sex that’s spiritually, physically, and mentally illuminating for everyone involved is like watching Queen Rania speak: I leave the experience …

The culture of mistrust is bleeding into our personal lives.

— No wonder there’s a sex recession The allure of digital relationships that can be curated and controlled comes at the expense of mutual vulnerability By Van Badham The western drift away from seeking moral instruction from the church is understandable; the morality plays staged every day on Reddit’s infamous “Am I the Asshole?” threads …

Expert Shares Why You May Be Struggling To Orgasm With Your Partner

BY Tessa Somberg At various points in our lives, orgasms can be the ultimate bliss and the ultimate frustration. Remember that our relationships with our bodies can be fluid and changeable, and sometimes, this can change the sex we have with our partners. For many women, achieving orgasm with a partner can be a challenge …