Low Sex Drive?

It’s Not You, It’s the “Sex Recession” Why desire and hookups are trending downward and what we can do about it By Sarah Laing There’s a recession afoot. Not the looming financial one that rising inflation and a bear market seem to grimly foretell, but another one that’s even more obvious to anyone who’s in …

Researchers suggest doctors should start prescribing vibrators to women

by Bob Yirka A team of researchers led by Alexandra Dubinskaya, of Cedar-Sinai Medical Center has found that the medical benefits of women using vibrators are strong enough to warrant doctors prescribing their use to female patients on a regular basis. In their paper published in The Journal of Urology, the group describes their metastudy …

What vaginal changes can a person expect after giving birth?

A person can expect vaginal changes after giving birth. Common changes include perineal pain, pain during sex, bleeding, and vaginal dryness. by Tabitha Britt According to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS), it is not unusual for people to notice new and uncomfortable vaginal changes after giving birth. To ensure a safe recovery, people …