What You Need to Know About Being a BDSM Switch

It’s like a lil bit of dominant + a lil bit of submissive. By Rachel Varina BDSM stands for bondage and discipline, domination and submission, and sadism and masochism. This is where the whole dominant (sometimes called a “top”) and submissive (a “bottom”) dynamic comes into play. “A top is simply someone who leads/guides the …

Vaginismus: the common condition leading to painful sex

By Anita M Elias The social and cultural messages we receive around sex give the impression everyone’s “doing it” and it’s always fun and enjoyable. But for many people, having sexual intercourse is extremely painful or impossible. One of the leading causes of painful sex is vaginismus. Vaginismus is an extremely common condition, that can …

How a New Wave of Inclusive Sexual Wellness Products Ensures Pleasure Is for All

By Mary Grace Garis Sexual wellness brand Cake was founded in June with two guiding intentions in mind. The first is that, like Cake’s frosted namesake, sex is something to be enjoyed guilt-free. And the second is that, by creating specialized, high-quality products that are accessible to all genders, sexual preferences, and relationship structures, the pleasure …

Aging and Sex

By Korin Miller Sex advice is often geared toward people who are having it for the first time, but it’s understandable that you might still have questions, even when you’re a sex veteran. After all, your body changes as you get older, and you’re not born knowing how to navigate all of this. >“Our bodies …

A Groundbreaking New History of Gay Sex and Capitalism

Christopher Chitty’s “Sexual Hegemony” is a galaxy-brain examination of the ways in which markets and sexuality intersect. By Josephine Livingstone In the earliest phase of European capitalism, Marx’s old story goes, a significant number of laborers renounced agrarian communities for towns and cities, dissolving the family unit and moving from one place to another. As …

“How lockdown helped me discover my sexuality”

For some, lockdown provided an important space to reflect on their sexuality and gender identity. By El Hunt What did you learn about yourself during lockdown? Besides discovering that I have a worryingly forensic knowledge of Sex and the City’s finest plot details and a surprising talent for line-dancing, I also twigged how much I …

How to talk about STI status with your sexual partner

By Julia Naftulin Talking about STIs with a new sexual partner can feel uncomfortable because it’s not something we were taught to do, but the conversation is essential for your health. First consider what type of confirmation you need from your partner, whether it’s their word or written documentation. Then, be straightforward in asking. You …

Biphobia Is Killing the ‘B’ in LGBTQ. Literally

Bisexual people have poorer mental, physical and sexual health than either heterosexuals or homosexuals. We explore why. by Suryatapa Mukherjee Bisexual+ people often feel like the protagonist of the Robert Frost poem The Road Not Taken. It feels like we are standing at a fork in the road, with two paths before us, one leading …