34 erogenous zones and how to stimulate them

We get you acquainted with these subtle and not-so-suble pleasure points. by Rosie Saunders Put simply, erogenous zones are extra-sensitive areas of the human body that generate a sexual response when stimulated. They’re located all over, from your eyelids to your ankles. Though sexual in nature, your body’s response might not necessarily be an out-and-out …

24 Ways You or Your Penis-Having Partner Can Increase Penile Sensitivity

by Adrienne Santos-Longhurst For many folks, sexual satisfaction is all about the feels, so if you or your penis-having partner are experiencing decreased sensitivity down there, it could really mess with your ability to get off. There are a few things that can cause a decrease in penile sensation, from the way a person masturbates …

6 Ways To Have Better Sex In Your 40s, 50s & Beyond

by Susan Hardwick-Smith, MD As a practicing gynecologist for over 20 years, I’m all too familiar with the struggles that women face in midlife, especially when it comes to decreased (or nonexistent) libidos and disconnected, unsatisfying relationships. In fact, this issue is one of the core focuses of my medical practice, which is dedicated to …

“How lockdown helped me discover my sexuality”

For some, lockdown provided an important space to reflect on their sexuality and gender identity. By El Hunt What did you learn about yourself during lockdown? Besides discovering that I have a worryingly forensic knowledge of Sex and the City’s finest plot details and a surprising talent for line-dancing, I also twigged how much I …

Exactly what happens to your body when you don’t have sex for a long time

– or at all by Paisley Gilmour We often hear terms like ‘blue balls’ and ‘sexual frustration’ – but what are the real physical and mental effects of a dry spell? In our sex-obsessed society, people who don’t have sex ever or for a very long time are often seen as abnormal or unusual. For …

Want better sex?

Audio erotica and mindfulness could be the answer By Alex Peters Sexual wellness app Ferly is promoting female pleasure through mindfulness For Dr Anna Hushlak it’s not about getting off, it’s about how you get there. That’s why she, along with co-founder Billie Quinlan, created Ferly, a safe space for women to help us get …