Is Make-Up Sex Good Or Bad For Your Relationship?

By Hannah Frye Imagine this: You and your partner just got into a huge fight. Luckily, you’ve worked things out for the most part and (hopefully) reached some sort of resolution. Yet, you’re still left feeling disconnected and maybe even insecure about where you stand.  These emotions may lead to one common behavior: make-up sex. …

The Most Effective Erectile Dysfunction Treatments for Older Adults

By James Roland Erectile dysfunction (ED) is very common. Although it can affect men of all ages, it occurs more often in older adults and those with certain medical conditions, like diabetes. Older research estimates that about 70 percent of men ages 70 and older report being “sometimes able” or “never able” to achieve an …

Being more vulnerable with your partner can improve intimacy

— Here are 6 tips for letting your guard down By Rebecca Strong Being vulnerable with your partner can improve trust, communication, conflict, and your sex life. Sharing your needs, hopes, fears, and emotions can feel scary if you’ve been hurt in the past. Therapists suggest starting slow, using physical touch, and telling your partner …

What Is Outing?

by Kristen Fischer Telling someone else (or others) about a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity without their approval is also called “outing.” In some cases, it’s not done to harm the person; in other situations, the person sharing the information does so to retaliate or to shame the other person.They may even do it …

Sex After 50

— Don’t Lose That Lovin’ Feeling Connection, communication and self-acceptance keep intimacy alive By Lisa B. Samalonis Although advancing age can pose some challenges to a healthy sex life, with a shift in perspective, intimacy can still be satisfying, good for your health and overall fun. Frequently discussed obstacles include: Vaginal dryness/atrophy. Erectile dysfunction. Lost …

10 tips to support a kid exploring their gender identity

by Alexandra Catherine Lee Gender identity isn’t a choice — accepting your kid’s gender is the first step to supporting them. You can also support your kid by using the right pronouns and making your home a safe space.  New clothes, hairstyles, and room decor may also help your kid feel more comfortable as themselves. …