The Ethical Slut has been called ‘the bible’ of non-monogamy

– But its sexual utopia is oversimplified By Andrea Waling In 2022, University of Melbourne evolutionary psychologist Dr Khandis Blake estimated that among young people, “around 4-5 per cent of people might be involved in a polyamorous relationship, and about 20 per cent have probably tried one”. Polyamory statistics in Australia are limited. But recent …

What Is a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Relationship in Non-Monogamy?

— And can it actually work? By Gigi Engle One of the most interesting things about consensual non-monogamy (CNM) is its fluidity. These relationship structures are co-created by partners in order to establish a situation that works for them and their needs, which means that each CNM partnership functions in its own unique ways. While …

What is ‘veto power’ in non-monogamous relationships

— And why is it so problematic? Having the power to ‘veto’ your partner’s other partners can have some seriously messy outcomes. By Gigi Engle If you opened up your relationship, would you want the ability to tell your partner’s other partners to piss off if you weren’t down with them? Intrigued? Let’s talk about …

Heterosexuality is often considered the “default” but that banner belongs to sexual fluidity

— There’s a difference between sexual orientation, sexual identity, and sexual behavior. By Kelley Nele “Something that the LGBT community always says is that your sexuality and identity can change at any time, but when it’s the other way around from gay to straight they get angry and say that it can’t.” The former quote …

List of Sex Hormones in Females and Males

By Serenity Mirabito RN, OCN  Sex hormones are chemicals responsible for reproduction and sexual desire. Common female sex hormones include estrogen and progesterone, while testosterone is abundant in most males. Sex hormones are produced by the ovaries, testes, endocrine system, and adrenal glands. Menstruation, age, and certain medical conditions can cause fluctuations in sex hormones. …

Here’s How Anxiety Affects Your Ability To Orgasm

By Claire Fox, GiGi Engle If you’re someone who deals with stress and anxiety, the unwanted mental and physical effects can creep up during the most inopportune times. Perhaps you’re just hanging out, catching up on the latest episode of your favourite TV show and suddenly you begin to worry about everything in your life. …

Can ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Relationships Work?

By Gabrielle Kassel The phrase “don’t ask, don’t tell” may bring to mind the discriminatory policy from the ’90s that kept LGBTQ+ folks in the U.S. military from sharing information about their sexuality or non-cis gender. But the phrase has another meaning in polyamorous circles: a non-monogamous relationship structure that allows some kinds of physical, …

Ethical non-monogamy

— What to know about these often misunderstood relationships By Chantal Gautier Imagine Sarah and John have been in a monogamous relationship for five years. Although they love each other, Sarah, who is bisexual, has recently started feeling an attraction to her coworker, Andrea. This has led to several sexual encounters, leaving Sarah feeling guilty. …

Is Queer a Slur?

— Exploring the Meaning and Use of the Term Wondering if queer is a slur? Let’s explore the historical context and controversy surrounding its use, and the term’s reclamation. By Daniel Villarreal The use of the word “queer” has become so widespread that it’s now represented by the letter “Q” in the initialism LGBTQ+. However, …

This is what it’s really like to have sex in your seventies

— As research shows that more people are sexing their way through their seventies than ever before, WH unpicks why the thought of the older generation getting their kicks makes people so uncomfortable By Paisley Gilmour As Richard* reaches for the massage oil, Belle assumes her position facedown on the bed. Spreading the warm liquid …