‘There’s Not Just One Type of Porn’

— Erika Lust’s Alternative Vision The Swedish moviemaker thinks pornography can create a society that sees sexuality as myriad and joyful, and where women’s pleasure matters. By Mary Katharine Tramontana When Billie Eilish called pornography “a disgrace” in a recent radio interview, the quote made headlines. The Grammy-winning musician said she had started watching at …

Is The ‘Seven-Year Itch’ Actually A Real Thing?

It’s probs more common than you think. By Madeline Howard Look, it’s totally normal to feel a sense of stagnation—a seven-year itch, if you will—if you’re in a long-term relationship or marriage. Being with another person for an entire lifetime is no joke, people. But what is the seven-year itch, exactly? In short, it’s the …

Real Couples Discuss The Key To Making An Open Relationship Work

By Morgan Mandriota Monogamy is our society’s default relationship model. Once you find the one, you get engaged. Then you get married. And voilà! You’re with one person for the rest of your life. This might be a comforting happily ever after for some. For others, it can sound and feel like a trap. Good …

How to Explore Bisexuality If You’ve Only Ever Been in Gay Relationships

From one queer to another, it’s a minefield out there. by Daisy Jones There are some wild misconceptions about bisexual people. The first is that you’re either secretly gay or just experimenting. The second is that you are always the sexuality of your current relationship. (If someone’s partner was ginger, you wouldn’t assume they only …

7 Signs a Monogamous Relationship Isn’t For You

According to a polyamorous sex therapist. By Rachel Wright Monogamy is all around us. It’s the relationship style we see every day in the media, pop culture, religion, and, generally, in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, compulsory monogamy is also all around us. Compulsory monogamy culture assumes that everyone strives to be married (or partnered) to/with …

Can Sleep Apnea Cause Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

by Annamarya Scaccia Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common type of sleep apnea. It’s a potentially serious disorder. People with OSA stop breathing repeatedly during sleep. They often snore and have difficulty sleeping. Sleep disorders can impact your testosterone and oxygen levels. That can lead to many different issues, including erectile dysfunction (ED). …

What Ethical Non-Monogamy Is and Isn’t

Ethical non-monogamy, polyamory, and open relationships are gaining popularity. But what exactly are they and how do you practice them? by Sian Ferguson Ethical non-monogamy, also known as consensual non-monogamy, is a relationship style that’s been in the spotlight lately. There are many ways to practice ethical nonmonogamy. For some, that might look like polyamory, …