Here’s how to tell if a throuple might be right for you

— It’s not the same as an open relationship. By Aryelle Siclait and Lydia Wang The beautiful thing about non-monogamy is that it can take on many, varied forms: A non-monogamous dynamic can look like one polyamorous person having multiple romantic and sexual partners, or several individuals all in a non-hierarchical relationship together. One term …

​​Study reveals the weird connection between sex and why we get FOMO

— They’re more related than you think BY Mia Erickson Are you ever plagued by a nagging sense of anxiety watching your friends have fun without you? A new study claims to explain the science behind why we experience the phenomenon known as FOMO. Most people are more than familiar with the all-consuming feeling of …

True romance

— How to keep the love alive when sex has gone Fantasising about other people? Wishing your partner was younger or fitter? It doesn’t have to mean the end of the relationship By Lizzie Cernik It’s rare for intense sexual chemistry to last. “We don’t talk about it enough,” says the relationship therapist Cate Campbell, …

What Are the Rules for Talking About Your Sex Life With Friends?

— Sharing dirty details can be fun (and healthy!) but it’s important to respect everyone’s boundaries. By Carina Hsieh When it comes to kissing and telling…your friends, it can be hard to know what crosses the line. There’s the issue of respecting your partner, of course: Are you spilling dirty details that they’d rather you …

Debunking Love Myths

— A New Look at Romance and Science   Summary: A new study challenges popular romance myths, debunking the Five Love Languages with evidence-based research. The work, proposes a ‘balanced diet’ metaphor for expressing love, emphasizing the need for diverse and evolving expressions of affection in relationships. The findings, including critiques of concepts like “Happy …

Let’s Talk About Sex

— The Science, the Script, the Human Right Why do we do ’it,’ fundamentally—have sex? Sex researchers, locally and abroad, are trying to drive home that it’s about a basic human right: pleasure. By Amy Nelson and Erik Tormoen Elbow-to-elbow, Minnesotans are filling up a large side room in Fulton Brewery on a Tuesday night …