Grinding Is the Most Underrated Sex Act

Don’t leave this steamy sex act in high school. It’s worth your adult attention. By Gabrielle Kassel Last week during a Zoom birthday celebration, I was mid-professing my love for bump-and-grind hookup action when I noticed some nose-turning happening on the screen. My friends weren’t being judgmental, exactly, but many had taken on the kind …

“Kink” Confronts the Challenge of Turning Sex Into Literature

By Katy Waldman “I’ve been kneeling here about ten minutes in the sheer black blouse, the crotchless panties. I don’t dare get up long enough to check my makeup. My back is straight, and my palms and cunt are trembly. The motion-sensor light outside the house blinks on, and then the door swings open.” So …

How Might Virtual Reality Porn Affect Sex and Relationships?

The brave new world of virtual reality porn has a lot of legitimate draws — but how will it affect sex and relationships with people IRL? Here, experts discuss. By Jillian Dara It was only a matter of time before tech entered the bedroom. We’re not talking about the latest sex toys or sex-improving apps …

How to Get Back in Touch With Your Sexual Side If You Miss It

If you haven’t felt sexy since 2019—same. By Patia Braithwaite It might seem strange to read a story about how to feel sexier right now. It can seem unimportant considering the pressing concerns we’re all facing. Maybe you’re worried about your health, maybe you’re concerned about clear threats to democracy, or maybe you’re overwhelmed by …

10 Tips For Exploring Your Sexuality While You’re in a Monogamous Relationship

By Gabrielle Kassel I’m bisexual and very outspoken about it on social media. As such, a lot of bicurious and bisexual folks slide into my DMs to ask for advice. The most common question I receive? “I think I might be bi…but I’m in a monogamous relationship. What should I do?” The implication being that …

The Best Sex Advice We Heard From Experts In 2020

by Kelly Gonsalves Amid everything that’s happened this year, it’s possible sex wasn’t your top priority. But here at mbg, we believe intimacy can be a reprieve from the chaos—a source of much-needed relaxation, self-care, and pleasure. Below, here are some of the best tidbits of advice we received from our sexuality experts this year …