Sexual Meditation

— Ways to Enhance Pleasure and Improve Your Sex Life

Practicing mindfulness through meditation can help to improve a person’s sex life and has been found to aid in treating sexual dysfunctions. Mindfulness allows people to become more self-aware and focus on sexual sensations within the body in the present moment. This allows people to avoid distractions in the mind and recognize sexual desire and arousal as it arises in the body, leading to greater sexual satisfaction.


  • Sexual meditation uses mindfulness-based practices outside of the bedroom to help improve sexual satisfaction by becoming more mindful of what’s happening in the body during sex.
  • Sexual meditation and mindfulness have been found to increase sexual satisfaction, arousal and desire, and are effective treatments for some sexual dysfunctions.
  • Meditation and mindfulness practices increase sexual satisfaction as they allow people to tune out of the distractions in their minds and tune in to the sensations happening in their bodies. This will enable people to recognize desire and arousal as it occurs in the body.
  • If you’re looking to use sexual meditation and mindfulness practices to improve your sex life, it’s best to practice daily for at least ten minutes.

What is sexual meditation?

The term sexual meditation often refers to two different things:

  1. Using the general practice of meditation and mindfulness to enhance sex.
  2. Using mindfulness when engaging in sexual activities.

While people may use the term to refer to different aspects of meditation and mindfulness, a growing body of research states that mindfulness can help increase sexual satisfaction and even treat some sexual dysfunctions. Mindfulness can be described as a non-judgemental, present awareness within the body, which means being in the moment and paying attention to all bodily sensations without judgment.

How sexual meditation improves sex

Meditation and mindfulness help us quiet down the mind and bring our attention and focus to the body, which is vitally important for those living busy and stressful lives. When the mind is too busy worrying about everything that needs to be done within the day, we often forget to listen to our bodies, which can have disastrous effects on our sex lives.

When the mind is too loud, we either can’t hear our body’s sexual desire and arousal, or we’re just too stressed out to even experience desire and arousal at all. Taking time to practice mindfulness allows us to focus on the present and take in all the senses, which helps us to recognize sexual sensations within the body when they arise.

Sexual meditation benefits:

Many people know that meditation has many physical and mental health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, increasing emotional intelligence, and decreasing blood pressure. However, meditation and mindfulness can also help improve your sexual health by increasing sexual satisfaction and desire. There are many different benefits of sexual meditation with the most notable ones discussed below.

Increases sexual desire and arousal

Meditation and mindfulness practices help us tune out of all the distractions happening in our heads and tune in to the sensations happening in our bodies, meaning we can listen to our bodies and notice when feelings of desire arise.

Many studies have found that those who practiced mindfulness had better sex. This is because they better listen to their body’s needs and wants, in the present moment, paying more attention to connection, touch, arousal, and intimacy during sex in a non-judgmental manner.

Helps treat sexual dysfunctions

Meditation and mindfulness have been found to aid in treating several sexual dysfunctions, particularly for women, including genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder, female orgasmic disorder, and female sexual interest/arousal disorder.

Research examining the benefits of meditation and mindfulness on men’s sexual dysfunctions is relatively new. However, findings suggest mindfulness is also effective in treating erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Boosts self-confidence

Mindfulness practices have also been found to help decrease negative body image and self-talk, which increases sexual pleasure. In addition, practicing mindfulness increases self-compassion, acceptance, and confidence. These traits help immensely in the bedroom, as we can spend more time experiencing and giving pleasure rather than focusing on our bodies and what others think of us.

Sexual meditation tips

Here are a few tips for using meditation to help improve your sex life:

  • Practice daily. Like many things in life, becoming mindful requires practice. Similar to a muscle, the brain gets stronger through repeated exercise, so practicing mindfulness daily for ten minutes will help you reap all the benefits.
  • Focus on bodily sensations. When having sex, try focusing on all the sensations happening in the body rather than the chatter in your head. If your mind wanders, come back into your body, focusing on the five senses. Focusing on the pleasure within the body, rather than an orgasm, is also very helpful.
  • Get curious about pleasure. When the mind is too busy, we can forget to lean into pleasure and become spectators of our sexual activity. Permitting yourself to get curious about pleasure allows you to explore what feels good to you, leaving the traditional sexual scripts in the past.

Practicing sexual meditation can help you explore the boundaries of your sexual experiences. By focusing on touch and sensation, you can enhance sex through mindfulness, arousal, and concentrating on the present.

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