Audio Porn?

Women Are Leading In The Multi-Million Dollar Category of Erotic Tech by Estrella Jaramillo Audio erotica and porn has been steadily growing on the Internet for years. Just Google the key words and you’ll find various podcasts, YouTube channels and even Reddit threads offering sexy sounds, sometimes crowdsourced from the community. However, the Aural Honeys …

Sexual assault survivors are using this sex education app to regain confidence

by Cara Curtis Sex is complex, but there’s a new wave of apps and websites that aim to help women connect better with their bodies and sexuality. One such app is Ferly, an audio app, that is redefining the meaning of online sex education while also helping assault survivors regain their sexual confidence. The app, …

Talking about sex is awkward, so how can teenagers ‘just ask’ for consent?

By Elsie Whittington The topic of sexual consent seems to be in the news on a daily basis, especially since #MeToo went viral one year ago. From posters to podcasts, there are endless resources promoting the importance of getting and giving explicit consent. Many suggest that a “yes” must always be enthusiastic, and that partners …

I thought that everything was completely normal down there, but then…

Name: Shaon Gender: Male Age: 20 Location: I am a 20-year-old male and recently on a forum I post on someone was talking about how they had to get a circumcision as an adult because they had a condition called phimosis. Up until a couple of days ago I thought that everything was completely normal …

Monkey on my back

And now for one of our regular, semi-obligatory Meth-related questions. I get at least a half dozen of these questions a month. And each and every one of them breaks my heart. I know nothing about the fellow writing me; I don’t know where he lives or his age. I don’t suppose it really matters, …

What just happened?

Name: Selena Gender: Female Age: 37 Location: I have been with the same man for 17 years now. Although he is not the only man I have been with he is most definitely the best. I suppose mostly that’s due to having years to experiment and practice, etc. Anyway, I have always had amazing orgasms …