Sex? Sexual intercourse? Neither?

— Teens weigh in on evolving definitions — and habits By JOCELYN GECKER Situationships. “Sneaky links.” The “talking stage,” the flirtatious getting-to-know-you phase — typically done via text — that can lead to a hookup. High school students are having less sexual intercourse. That’s what the studies say. But that doesn’t mean they’re having less …

Abused gay men don’t see they are victims – study

— Gay and bisexual men being abused by romantic partners is the subject of a research brief being presented to the Scottish government By Mary McCool Gay and bisexual men are being abused by romantic partners but face multiple barriers to support, according to recent studies. Research from Glasgow Caledonian University found that one in …

Five important things you should have learned in sex ed

– But probably didn’t By Áine Aventin If you grew up in the 90s and 00s, you may feel that sex education didn’t teach you much of practical value. Most sex education during this time followed a “prevention” approach, focusing on avoiding pregnancy and STIs, with most information largely targeted at heterosexual people. While some …

Young people are more likely to accept gay couples

— And to identify as gay By Philip Bump As it does regularly, Gallup asked Americans last year if they identified as straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. About 7 percent of Americans said they identified as one of the latter four categories, essentially the same percentage as identified that way in 2021. There was …

Polysexual vs. Pansexual

— How Are They Different? Polysexual and pansexual are sometimes used interchangeably, but these terms do not mean the same thing. Although similar, polysexual is different from pansexual. Here we explain how and why they differ. By Sophia Metrakos, RN Polysexual and pansexual are two similar types of sexual identification, but they are not the …