Sexologist Chantelle Otten on the complexities of sex in both her work and her personal life

— Let’s talk about sex. By Alley Pascoe As a renowned sexologist, Chantelle Otten is privy to people’s deepest desires, fears and insecurities. Here, she’s honest about her own. I’m in bed with Chantelle Otten and she’s taking photos of her feet. It’s not as kinky as it sounds. We’re speaking over Zoom ahead of …

Okay, So You’re Kind of, Sort of Interested in Trying Role-Play

— What Next? By Gabrielle Kassel Role-playing, or acting out a particular scenario or scene, isn’t just something you do with a friend before breaking up with your sensitive beau, or with a career mentor before asking for a raise. Role-play can also be used to transport any of your sexual encounters from stale to …

How the ancient Greeks viewed pederasty and homosexuality

— In many city-states, it was perfectly acceptable for older men to have sexual relationships with young boys. By Tim Brinkhof In ancient Greece, pederasty was the practice of older men serving as mentors to young boys in exchange for sexual favors. This practice was widespread, though customs and attitudes differed drastically from Greek city-state …

The Pleasure Centers On Your Body You Didn’t Even Know About

By Hannah Rice Most people have heard the expressions “getting to first base” or “scoring a home run.” These sayings turn sports metaphors into sexual allusions, hinting at a certain goal that is supposed to result from physical intimacy. And, to plenty of folks, that mentality makes sense. After all, is there a problem with …

6 things sex educators want you to know about a post-Roe America

Quality sex education will be more important than ever. But it too faces challenges. By Keren Landman On Friday, the US Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, the legal decision that has for decades granted Americans the right to an abortion. For young people, the prospect of dramatically reduced access to abortion creates enormous …