A Special Announcement!

Hey, guess what? We’re goin’ mobile!

That’s right, sex fans, now you can easily get your daily fix of fresh and funny, thoughtful and sex-positive information while on the go. Users need simply point the web browser on their mobile device to https://www.drdicksexadvice.com/mobile.php.

Once connected, you can enjoy all the scintillating postings, columns and sage advice just like you would on your home computer. “Jeez, what next, Martha?”

Adding mobile access is the obvious next step in the evolution of gettin’ me to you. First there were the podcasts, then iTunes, and now — remote access. I figure every little bit we can do to make it easier for people to find and access clear and unambiguous information about human sexuality brings us all that much closer to happier, healthier and more integrated sex lives!”

Sex Is…

#1 Sex is like food. You can enjoy it alone, or with others. You can be an ascetic, or a glutton. You can nosh or nibble; dine or devour. There will be both feast and famine.

#2 Sex is like food. It can nourish and sustain you, or it can make you sick. You can consume all of the available bounty, or restrict your diet. It can be both bacchanal and sacrament. It can completely satisfy, or leave you devastatingly empty.

#3 Sex is like food. You can use it to express your highest aspirations, or allow it to rob you of your soul. You can give it as a gift, or use it as a weapon. It can fill your senses or simply be an exercise of the mind.

#4 One thing is for sure, whether it is purely physical or transcendently spiritual, no one can live without food…or sex.