The SUPER Kinky Sex Act Your Man Is Scared To Tell You He’s Into

By Dawn Michael Wow! It’s the second highest heterosexual porn search term. You’ve heard the term “cuckold” and know it’s “kinky”… but what is it really? How does it work? And most importantly … is it for you? Sex counselors and sex coaches, like me, are knowledgeable about the practice to some degree. My job as a …

Touch Isolation: How Homophobia Has Robbed All Men Of Touch

Homophobic prohibitions against male touch are hurting straight men as well. By Mark Green “Boys imitate what they see. If what they see is emotional distance, guardedness, and coldness between men they will grow up to imitate that behavior…What do boys learn when they do not see men with close friendships, where there are no …

No, seriously…

Name: PaunFarr
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Location: Ohio
Dr. Dick, I’m feeling the intense letdown of the ballot issues passed this week in California, Florida and Arkansas. Especially CA, where they had gay marriage but

Room With A View

Look for my new

Video Reviews! —
This week we have two great titles: COUPLES MASTURBATION and EVERY COUPLE CAN.

“I think we can all agree that there’s nothing more fundamental to

Plan “B”

Name: Cade
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Location: Alabama
A couple of weeks ago you responded to an Iraq vet who was having trouble in his marriage because he couldn’t get it up due to his