More SEX WISDOM With Celeste Hirschman and Danielle Harel — Podcast #308 — 11/09/11

[Look for the podcast play button below.] Hello sex fans! Welcome back. I’m so excited, because my friends and colleagues, Celeste Hirschman and Danielle Harel are back to dispense more of their signature SEX WISDOM. This is Part 2 of their appearance on this show, don’t cha know. We had such a good time together …


I don’t know what to attribute this too, but in the last three weeks I’ve received no less than six anonymous messages from people asking about watersports. Some are into it; some are horrified. One

Bye Bi Love

Name: Dan
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Location: Alberta
I am a bisexual that is happily married with children. My wife and I have a great sex life. Every few months I get an urge to

Come As You Are

Name: Valeri
Gender: Female
Age: 38
Location: Dubuque IA
Dr Dick: I just went through a very painful divorce. My husband of 18 years up and decided that he wanted to start over…in a new

Well then…

Name: Stanford
Gender: male
Age: 25
Location: Green Bay
I was wondering if you have any suggestions for a homemade dildo?
Do you actually want to craft a dildo yourself? Or is this more a