How friends with benefits can actually make a friendship stronger

By Jack Rushall [W]hen I was an insecure 16-year-old, I came out to my female best friend. What followed was just as bold, but it involved both of us: We hooked up. Our sexual escapade developed into casual encounters that spanned a year-and-a-half. Of course, our friendship inevitably veered into unsettling romantic terrain, like a …

Why Straight Rural Men Have Gay ‘Bud-Sex’ With Each Other

  By Jesse Singal [A] lot of men have sex with other men but don’t identify as gay or bisexual. A subset of these men who have sex with men, or MSM, live lives that are, in all respects other than their occasional homosexual encounters, quite straight and traditionally masculine — they have wives and …

How do women really know if they are having an orgasm?

Dr Nicole Prause is challenging bias against sexual research to unravel apparent discrepancies between physical signs and what women said they experienced By Olivia Solon In the nascent field of orgasm research, much of the data relies on subjects self-reporting, and in men, there’s some pretty clear physiological feedback in the form of ejaculation. But …

Long-term relationships may reduce women’s sex drive

by Ana Sandoiu [F]emale sexual function is an important component of a woman’s sexual health and overall well-being. New research examines the relation between female sexual functioning and changes in relationship status over time. Female sexual functioning is influenced by many factors, from a woman’s mental well-being to age, time, and relationship quality. Studies show …

This is the secret to great sex in a long term relationship, study suggests

Science may have discovered a way to keep the spark alive long after the initial fireworks have faded By Liz Connor How do you rekindle the passion and improve your sex life in a marriage or long term relationship after the honeymoon period is over? While magazine articles might advise candles, hot baths and music, …

Why Can’t I Orgasm During Sex? Chronic Pain And 5 Other Factors That Affect Ability To Climax

By Lizette Borreli Imagine this: You and your partner are getting hot and heavy in between the sheets. You’re feeling sexually aroused — but you’re unable to climax. In frustration you ask yourself: “Why can’t I orgasm during sex?” The Kinsey Institute indicates 20 to 30 percent of women don’t have orgasms during intercourse, compared to only …

Should we teach teens about BDSM in sex ed?

By Leigh Cuen Could talking to students about BDSM culture help combat rape on college campuses? Psychology researcher Kathryn Klement thinks so. Klement is the co-author of a newly published study out of Northern Illinois University, which showed that BDSM practitioners are less likely to believe victim-blaming myths or sexist stereotypes than the general population. That’s why she believes …

A waning interest in intimacy; a cross-dressing husband

By Dr. Katie Schubert As a sex therapist, people sometimes email and call me to ask if I can answer a “quick question” for them. Human sexuality is complicated, and a “quick question” generally has a convoluted answer. However, sometimes I am able to provide a general answer or offer a starting place for those …

Men in Relationships Assume Their Girlfriends Don’t Want to Fuck

by Gabby Bess According to a new study, this could be a good thing. Sex is complicated, not least because it generally involves two people with varying wants and needs that don’t always match up—and aren’t always obvious. In the context of evolution, heterosexually speaking (sorry), men are characterized as pursers who are always down …

The SUPER Kinky Sex Act Your Man Is Scared To Tell You He’s Into

By Dawn Michael Wow! It’s the second highest heterosexual porn search term. You’ve heard the term “cuckold” and know it’s “kinky”… but what is it really? How does it work? And most importantly … is it for you? Sex counselors and sex coaches, like me, are knowledgeable about the practice to some degree. My job as a …