Survivors of 1980s AIDS crisis reveal what happened to them

In Honor of World AIDS Day From the role of lesbians to the vanishing of whole neighborhoods, real LGBTI people share their experiences by Joe Morgan Survivors of the 1980s AIDS crisis have shared accounts of their experiences. As the UK celebrates LGBT History Month, users of Reddit revealed what it was like to be …

These Volunteers Give Handjobs to the Severely Disabled

By Nelson Moura and Yun jie Zou Andy is a muscular dystrophy patient who lives with his parents in southern Taiwan. Due to his severe physical disability, he was home-schooled and couldn’t leave his house alone, so never really had the opportunity to develop either an active social life or a romantic relationship. When the …

No, Scientists Have Not Found the ‘Gay Gene’

By Ed Yong The media is hyping a study that doesn’t do what it says it does. This week, a team from the University of California, Los Angeles claimed to have found several epigenetic marks—chemical modifications of DNA that don’t change the underlying sequence—that are associated with homosexuality in men. Postdoc Tuck Ngun presented the …

2.5 Years Later, Zero Cases Of HIV In Large San Francisco PrEP Group

By Nigel Campbell ​ The study also finds that many of these individuals are using condoms less and more than half of those in the group study had contracted at least one sexually transmitted infection (STI) within a year. From Researchers at Kaiser Permanente published their findings in Clinical Infectious Diseases. The paper represents …

Family History and Addiction Risk: What You Need to Know to Beat the Odds

by Rita Milios You grew up in a family of substance users. You know that your risk for developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol is greater because of this hereditary factor. But what exactly are your risks? And is there anything you can do to reduce your risk? According to the National Council on …