The Summer Solstice 2012 Q&A Show — Podcast #337 — 06/18/12

[Look for the podcast play button below.] Hey sex fans, Happy Solstice everyone! Well, actually solstice isn’t until Wednesday, but who’s quibbling. Damn, this year is flying by. It seems like it was only a couple of weeks ago that we were welcoming spring. And, guess what? I just did the math; this is my 6th …

Batter Up

Name: Trey Gender: Male Age: 17 Location: I’m 17 years old. I hit puberty at age 10, so I have had time for my dick to grow, but it hasn’t. I’m 1 inch soft and 4 inches hard. Why? Is it normal? I mean all the other guys have dicks at least 4 inches soft …

Now what?

Name: Jen Gender: Age: 25 Location: Florida I am a young and attractive female with a great personality and many friends, but when it comes to men… I just don’t get it. I date many guys, but I can’t seem to get a guy into a relationship. I wont have sex with a guy unless …


Name: Vic Gender: Age: 37 Location: Hollywood I think I have hemorrhoids can you tell me what to do and what kind of doctor I should see You think you have hemorrhoids, but you don’t know for sure? Since you don’t include the symptoms you might be having, I really can’t help all that much. …

Dear Abby

Hey sex fans, We have another video review lined up for today’s edition of Product Review Friday. This is the second of three vids from the folks at The Romance Series.  You didn’t miss the first of these reviews, did you? Well not to worry if you did, because you can find it HERE.  And …