I’m confused

Name: sexdout Gender: Male Age: 28 Location: Toledo My wife wants to have sex every night, but it’s been three years and I just can’t fuck like I used to. What do I do? REALLY? You’re 28 and you can give up the bump at least once a day? Holy cow; what’s up with you? …

Pride 2015

Happy Gay Pride Month! It’s time, once again, to post my annual pride posting. In my lifetime I’ve witnessed a most remarkable change in societal attitudes toward those of us on the sexual fringe. One only needs to go back 50 years in time. I was 15 years old then and I knew I was …


Here’s an exchange I had with a fellow named Angel. He writes: I have a friend that has HPV. We spoke about being together but I’m nervous about this because I don’t know enough about HPV. Like how safe would I be if we were to mess around and or have sex? I wait to …