A handy history

Condemned, celebrated, shunned: masturbation has long been an uncomfortable fact of life. Why? by Barry Reay The anonymous author of the pamphlet Onania (1716) was very worried about masturbation. The ‘shameful vice’, the ‘solitary act of pleasure’, was something too terrible to even be described. The writer agreed with those ‘who are of the opinion, …

Look, I can fly!

Name: Wayne Gender: Age: 26 Location: Philadelphia Hey Dr. Dick I have a little issue that has stumped me, my doctor, and numerous urologists. I figure there’s no harm in asking one more person. I have never, not once, been able to cum normally. (I suppose there is a normal way, considering every other guy …

The SUPER Kinky Sex Act Your Man Is Scared To Tell You He’s Into

By Dawn Michael Wow! It’s the second highest heterosexual porn search term. You’ve heard the term “cuckold” and know it’s “kinky”… but what is it really? How does it work? And most importantly … is it for you? Sex counselors and sex coaches, like me, are knowledgeable about the practice to some degree. My job as a …

Shaming Men Doesn’t Build Healthy Sexuality

By David J Ley Ph.D Male sexuality is intensely under attack, in the increasingly vitriolic social dialogue related to pornography. Though women watch and make pornography, most of the current debates focus on aspects of masculine sexual behaviors. These behaviors include masturbation, use of pornography, prostitutes or sexual entertainment like strip clubs. Promiscuity, sex without commitment, and use …