5 common conditions that can lower sex drive

By Charlie Williams The science is clear: Sex can bring some incredible benefits for your health. Study after study has shown that having sex regularly can improve longevity, reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancers, bolster the immune system, improve sleep, enhance mental health, reduce depression symptoms, and improve overall …

People are “gobsmacked” at an advert that alludes to a woman masturbating

– but why? By Catriona Harvey-Jenner When a Body Shop advert for self-love hit screens this week, the response said a lot about the way society views women. “Go and grab the most phallic object you can find!” yelled the Maid of Honour on my laptop screen. It was the first lockdown, I was on …

If You Have This Body Shape, People Think You Crave More Sex, Says Study

New research reveals how humans are hardwired to judge people differently. By William Mayle As economists such as Daniel Kahneman, Ph.D., have long shown, human beings are far from rational beings. We make terrible decisions all the time, fueled by inherent psychological biases that are rooted in ancient human behaviors that are no longer relevant …

Sexual activity linked to higher cognitive function in older age

A joint study by two England universities explores the link between sex and cognitive function with some surprising differences in male and female outcomes in old age. By Jaimee Bell A joint study by the universities of Coventry and Oxford in England has linked sexual activity with higher cognitive abilities in older age. The results …