Whataya Think?

Name: Alyssa Gender: Female Age: 26 Location: Vancouver I’ve recently begun dating a very nice, attractive guy who has a unique fetish. He’s very sweet and complimentary in real life but when we play he likes to say dirty and very insulting and frankly pretty outrageous things about my mouth. I have enjoyed it when …

Intimate Workout

Hello sex fans, And now for something completely different… It’s Product Review Friday all right, but we’ve seen nothing like this before. Today I, Dr Dick, will do the honors and tell you about a unique product for men. It’s a brand new product that will, I believe, change your life for the better. And …


And now for something completely different. I’d like to welcome my friend and colleague, Vivian Slaughter, who has some interesting things to say about becoming the brilliant young sexologist she is today. Becoming a feminist was a big deal for me; in high school I was very anti-feminist, I was the Cool Girl, I didn’t …

The Lady Is A Tramp

Name: Paul Gender: Male Age: 32 Location: Seattle I recently discovered that my GF has been cheating on me. She wants me to forgive her but it’s been really hard. Just dealing with the fact that it happened is overwhelming. It feels like I could never forgive her. I don’t know if there’s a solution …


Name: r68tool Gender: Male Age: 52 Location: Montana Doc, I have been an insulin-dependent diabetic for 25 years. I’m also a post-operative kidney transplant recipient. I have not been able to achieve nor maintain any kind of erection for the past 19 years. I have visited several urologists, but they have been useless. I am …

Spring Break, Bitches!

We’ll all be on Spring Break till Monday 04/14/14.   …of course my break won’t begin till after my Backdoor Basics Workshop on Thursday, 04/03/14.  I hope you join me for tons of fun and loads of adult products to giveaway.  

Spank me, daddy!

Name: Karla Gender: female Age: 32 Location: Quebec I think I want to try spanking. I never tried it, but it gets me hot thinking about it. I think my partner might be up for it, but I have yet to ask him. I thought I’d ask you first. What are your thoughts about spanking? …

Like Cats And Dogs

Name: Karen Gender: Female Age: 33 Location: Dorchester, MA My marriage of 12 years has hit a real rocky patch. I know my husband loves me and I certainly love him and we both love our 3 kids dearly. It’s just that we (he and I) have been fighting like cats and dogs lately. Every …