What Are Sperm Telling Us?

Scientists are concerned by falling sperm counts and declining egg quality. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals may be the problem. By Nicholas Kristof Something alarming is happening between our legs. Sperm counts have been dropping; infant boys are developing more genital abnormalities; more girls are experiencing early puberty; and adult women appear to be suffering declining egg quality …

How Might Virtual Reality Porn Affect Sex and Relationships?

The brave new world of virtual reality porn has a lot of legitimate draws — but how will it affect sex and relationships with people IRL? Here, experts discuss. By Jillian Dara It was only a matter of time before tech entered the bedroom. We’re not talking about the latest sex toys or sex-improving apps …

Aging and Sex

By Korin Miller Sex advice is often geared toward people who are having it for the first time, but it’s understandable that you might still have questions, even when you’re a sex veteran. After all, your body changes as you get older, and you’re not born knowing how to navigate all of this. >“Our bodies …

How to Maximize the Mental Health Benefits of Masturbation

Experts weigh in on the art of mindful masturbation at a time when we can all use it By Kayla Kibbe You’ve gotta hand it to masturbation’s PR team. Since 1894, when one William Kellogg intentionally engineered a cereal so bland as to quell sexual excitement and curb masturbatory habits then deemed not only shameful, …

24 Ways You or Your Penis-Having Partner Can Increase Penile Sensitivity

by Adrienne Santos-Longhurst For many folks, sexual satisfaction is all about the feels, so if you or your penis-having partner are experiencing decreased sensitivity down there, it could really mess with your ability to get off. There are a few things that can cause a decrease in penile sensation, from the way a person masturbates …