Touch Isolation: How Homophobia Has Robbed All Men Of Touch

Homophobic prohibitions against male touch are hurting straight men as well. By Mark Green “Boys imitate what they see. If what they see is emotional distance, guardedness, and coldness between men they will grow up to imitate that behavior…What do boys learn when they do not see men with close friendships, where there are no …

REVIEW — Time on Two Crosses: The Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin

In celebration of black history month. The best way to destroy a culture is to deny, suppress, or appropriate that people’s history. A culture without its art, without its myths, without its heroes will soon wither and die. For millennia indigenous peoples all over the world have suffered this kind of cultural rape at the …

Studies offer insight into evolution of monogamy in mammals

By Meeri Kim Scientists have long wondered why a small minority of mammals, including some humans, have evolved into monogamous creatures, and two studies provide new information but give different answers. One group of scientists, who looked only at primates, found that the impulse for males to protect their offspring from infanticide by rival males …

9 Things You Don’t Know About the Mighty Foreskin

By Anna Lynn Takeaway:Foreskin is pretty fascinating stuff. Crewneck or turtleneck? As you might have guessed, we aren’t talking about fashion, we’re talking about foreskin. And while nearly 80% of men in the United States are foreskin-free, in the rest of the world, foreskin is the norm. But for a such a small piece of …

There Really Isn’t Any Bad News for People Who Like to Masturbate

by Martha Kempner Masturbation is such an under-appreciated form of sexual activity. It has been blamed in urban legends for everything from hairy palms to lack of productivity, and has a reputation of being reserved for those who can’t find anyone else to have sex with them. But that’s just not true. Most people masturbate. It feels good. …

Scar Tissue

First Name: Luke Age: 38 Gender: male Location: Australia Hi I was born with hypospadias and had 3 operations when I was young. I have bad scarring from the operations. My question is can I get plastic surgery to get rid of scarring and to get my penis head sculptured to look more normal? First, …