Come As You Are

Name: Valeri
Gender: Female
Age: 38
Location: Dubuque IA
Dr Dick: I just went through a very painful divorce. My husband of 18 years up and decided that he wanted to start over…in a new

Lovin’ It!

Product Review Friday is back again and we have an interesting group of products from our friends at

Dr Dick Review Crew members — Gina & Kevin and Karen do the honors. So

WET and Wonderful

Hey sex fans!

Today’s Product Review Friday brings you the balance of our reviews of the WET products we received earlier in the year.  As you recall, we reviewed a whole bunch of their

Well then…

Name: Stanford
Gender: male
Age: 25
Location: Green Bay
I was wondering if you have any suggestions for a homemade dildo?
Do you actually want to craft a dildo yourself? Or is this more a