Marijuana And Sex: How Much Weed Is Too Much?

If you don’t know about the ‘bidirectional effect.’ you need to read this. By: Terry Hacienda [I]t’s not a secret that medical cannabis has been proved beneficial to those seeking pain management, alleviating chronic ailments and improving appetite. And for millennia it has been reported that marijuana and sex go together, too. A new study …

The Ingredients of a Healthy, Non-Sexual Intimate Relationship

It takes one part communication and one part vulnerability. by Dr. Kurt Smith [S]ex is everywhere these days. Unfortunately, we often let our relationships get clouded by sexual intimacy. Sometimes being physically intimate with another person blurs our vision of how we truly feel about that individual. Believe it or not, but you can actually …

Senior citizens are having more sex and enjoying it more than younger people

Those age 70 and up are having more sex and enjoying it more than younger people. But they don’t kiss and tell. By Kevyn Burger [G]ray-haired customers sometimes sidle up to Smitten Kitten owner Jennifer Pritchett and say with a smile, “Bet you don’t get someone my age in here often.” The owner of the …

Oncologists need to discuss sexual issues with patients, says doctor

By Chris Thompson A Winnipeg doctor who specializes in treating sexual issues with cancer patients is hoping to spread the word about doctors being up front with their patients. Dr. Anne Katz held an online forum for Windsor Regional Hospital workers about cancer, intimacy and sexuality. Katz is the author of several books dealing with …

It’s time to end the taboo of sex and intimacy in care homes

By Paul Simpson [I]magine living in an aged care home. Now imagine your needs for touch and intimacy being overlooked. More than 500,000 individuals aged 65+ (double the population of Cardiff) live in care homes in Britain. Many could be missing out on needs and rights concerning intimacy and sexual activity because they appear to …

Undoing the STIgma: Normalizing the discourse surrounding STIs

April is STD/STI Awareness Month. By Ericka Shin [L]et’s talk about sex. It’s fun, it’s natural. Now, considering that April is STD/STI Awareness Month, let’s take it one step further and talk about sexually transmitted diseases and infections, or STDs/STIs. They’re not so fun and not “natural,” per se, but they can and do happen …