Why it’s dangerous to treat gay and bi men’s sexual health in the same way

Bisexual men’s sexual health is at risk, Lewis Oakley says, because researchers treat gay and bi men the same way by Joe Morgan One of my biggest issues as a bisexual campaigner is to tackle how we conduct sexual health research. Last week’s Public Health England report demonstrated an issue we face again and again. …

How to take charge of your sexual energy and revolutionize your sex life

By Kara Jillian Brown We’ve all heard the maxim that you can’t really love someone else until you love yourself. A few prominent experts contend the same logic applies to sex, sexual energy, and your identity as a sexual being. And really, it makes sense: “The most important sexual relationship you will ever have is …

Gender-free sex toys are the future of personal pleasure

By Kells McPhillips You can buy a sex toy in almost every shape, size, and color, but they still don’t run the gamut. The pursuit of personal pleasure largely excludes non-binary bodies. Fortunately, a handful of brands with a focus on gender-free sex toys recognize the need for improvement. Soon, anyone with the desire for …

How to Have Sex if You’re Queer

What to Know About Protection, Consent, and What Queer Sex Means By Yana Tallon-Hicks Happy Pride! Rarely does traditional sex education tackle pleasure for pleasure’s sake, how to have sex for non-reproductive purposes, or the wide spectrums of sexualities, bodies, and genders that exist. Instead it tends to cover penis-in-vagina penetration only, pregnancy risks, and …

How right-wing purity culture leaves women with lasting psychological damage and self-hate

By Sarah K. Burris The so-called “purity” culture in the Christian evangelical community has made millions for churches and Christian swag manufacturers. However, it’s been harming millions of teens across the country who made a vow of chastity before marriage. Statistics reveal that 85 percent of men and 81 percent of women have sex prior …

Four Ways to Destigmatize Abortion in Everyday Conversations

At a time when we are being inundated with anti-choice bans, we all have a responsibility to challenge the myths, misinformation, and stigma surrounding abortion that contribute to a culture where such laws are seen as valid. By Ellen Friedrichs If you feel like anti-abortion bills are being passed by Republican lawmakers at every turn, …

Why Is There So Little Help For Women With Sexual Dysfunction

(But Plenty For Men)? By Natalie Gil It’s not just that we’re having less sex – problems between the sheets (or wherever you have sex) are common, even among young people, if countless surveys, problem pages and pieces of anecdotal evidence are to be believed. The most recent National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles …