Senior citizens are having more sex and enjoying it more than younger people

Those age 70 and up are having more sex and enjoying it more than younger people. But they don’t kiss and tell. By Kevyn Burger [G]ray-haired customers sometimes sidle up to Smitten Kitten owner Jennifer Pritchett and say with a smile, “Bet you don’t get someone my age in here often.” The owner of the …

We need to show real photos of genitals as part of sex education

By Ellen Scott Labiaplasty is on the rise. Boys and men continue to worry that their penis is too small. Every other week there seems to be a new treatment promising to make your penis longer and harder or your vagina tighter, smoother, and more sparkly. These treatments prey on our insecurities – our deep, …

Why Embracing Your Sexuality (Fetishes & All) Makes You A More Attractive Partner

by Wendy Strgar [G]rowing into our sexual selves is a lifelong process, like growing up in general. But because we don’t have a lot of language for our sexual lives, we somehow erroneously expect that sex is something we are born knowing how to do. Like any other physical and emotional skill, our sexual capacity …

What to do when your teen tells you they have a sexually transmitted infection

By Britni de la Cretaz [B]y now, most parents likely know that not talking about sex with their teens will not stop them from doing it. And, as a parent, you might even have done some reading on how to have The Talk with your kids. Maybe you think you’ve done everything right when it …

How to Have a Sex Life on Antidepressants

When quitting isn’t an option, is it possible to overcome the sexual side effects that come with an SSRI? By Shannon Holcroft So, you’ve finally filled the antidepressant prescription that’s been acting as a bookmark for the most recent novel you’re feigning interest in. Somewhere between missing your own birthday party and watching everyone else …

Married LGBT older adults are healthier, happier than singles, study finds

By Kim Eckart Same-sex marriage has been the law of the land for nearly two years — and in some states for even longer — but researchers can already detect positive health outcomes among couples who have tied the knot, a University of Washington study finds. For years, studies have linked marriage with happiness among …

Men who have sex with men account for over 80% of syphilis infection rates in the US

MSM are 106 times more likely to get syphilis than men who exclusively have sex with women by James Besanvalle A new study of syphilis transmission rates reveals men who have sex with men account for 81.7% of cases in the United States. This study found gay, bisexual or men who have sex with men …

Undoing the STIgma: Normalizing the discourse surrounding STIs

April is STD/STI Awareness Month. By Ericka Shin [L]et’s talk about sex. It’s fun, it’s natural. Now, considering that April is STD/STI Awareness Month, let’s take it one step further and talk about sexually transmitted diseases and infections, or STDs/STIs. They’re not so fun and not “natural,” per se, but they can and do happen …

It’s not sex that makes you healthier and happier—it’s what you do before and after

by Leah Fessler [P]eople who have sex more frequently report a greater sense of general happiness, according to numerous studies. One even found that having sex once a week, as opposed to monthly, boosts spirits more than earning an extra $50,000 per year. Yet the sex-happiness association means nothing if we don’t know why it …

Time for a Sexual Revolution In Health Care Treatment

Why is care for sexual health issues considered a luxury when it’s a necessary part of population health? By Zachary Hafner [W]hen Americans seek care for most common health conditions, there is rarely much question about coverage. Every day, consumers—including those on Medicaid and Medicare—seek care for sore joints, depression, and even acne without worrying …

Sexual statistics

Studying the intimate relationship between narcissism and satisfaction by Elaine Smith [I]f you learned that your next-door neighbours were having sexual relations more frequently than you and your partner, would it bother you? Three U of T Mississauga researchers set out to understand how people view their sex lives in comparison to those of others …

How a Cervical Cancer Scare Made Me Take My Sexual Health More Seriously Than Ever

My doctor’s advice on how to not get HPV again threw me for a loop. By Rachel Bowyer [B]efore I had an abnormal Pap smear five years ago, I didn’t even really know what that meant. I’d been going to the gyno since I was a teenager, but I never once really thought about what …