Batter Up

Name: Trey Gender: Male Age: 17 Location: I’m 17 years old. I hit puberty at age 10, so I have had time for my dick to grow, but it hasn’t. I’m 1 inch soft and 4 inches hard. Why? Is it normal? I mean all the other guys have dicks at least 4 inches soft …

Get a grip!

We continue our National Masturbation Month theme today. Name: Pablo Gender: Male Age: 34 Location: Madrid Can you help me I have an addiction towards masturbation. I can’t control the urge that I have. I’m single and have never been with a woman. I’m very nervous about this. How can I control these sexual urges? …

Now what?

Name: Jen Gender: Age: 25 Location: Florida I am a young and attractive female with a great personality and many friends, but when it comes to men… I just don’t get it. I date many guys, but I can’t seem to get a guy into a relationship. I wont have sex with a guy unless …

More SEX WISDOM With Celeste Hirschman and Danielle Harel — Podcast #308 — 11/09/11

[Look for the podcast play button below.] Hello sex fans! Welcome back. I’m so excited, because my friends and colleagues, Celeste Hirschman and Danielle Harel are back to dispense more of their signature SEX WISDOM. This is Part 2 of their appearance on this show, don’t cha know. We had such a good time together …