Why teaching kids about sex is key for preventing sexual violence

By Rebecca Ruiz [Y]ou may think of sex education like it appears in pop culture: A classroom of teens looking nervously at a banana and a condom. Amid the giggling and awkward questions, maybe the students get some insight into how sex works or how to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. While that’s valuable …

Feminism and Sexual Submission Aren’t Mutually Exclusive

A meme showed up on my Facebook newsfeed one afternoon a few weeks back. by Savannah Stewart It was shared by some fuckboy I worked with for about five minutes before he was never seen again, except when sliding into his female former colleagues’ DM’s—which should have been reason enough to keep scrolling past, yet …

9 Reasons You Might Not Be Orgasming

By Sophie Saint Thomas [W]hile orgasms don’t define good sex, they are pretty damn nice. However, our bodies, minds, and relationships are complicated, meaning orgasms aren’t always easy to come by (pun intended). From dating anxiety to medication to too little masturbation, here are nine possible culprits if you’re having a hard time orgasming — …

Long-term sexual satisfaction: What’s the secret?

Once the flutters of a new relationship are over, for many, the slog of everyday life sets in. But how do you keep the spark alive? By Yella Hewings-Martin PhD [S]ex is a key factor in most romantic relationships. In fact, earlier this year, Medical News Today reported that the “afterglow” that newlywed couples feel for up to …

Adolescents with autism need access to better sex education

by Steven Stagg [I]ntimacy is part of being human. There are well-documented benefits to positive relationships, from emotional security to good mental health1. Those who want relationships and can’t develop them face low self-esteem, depression, loneliness and isolation from the wider society2. For adolescents, learning how to navigate sex and sexuality can be a minefield. …

How many times do women need to explain that penetration isn’t everything before everyone gets it?

By Ellen Scott [T]his week, sex therapist Dr Janet Hall advised MamaMia of a catchy new term for sex that doesn’t just involve placing a penis inside a vagina and wriggling it about. ‘Introducing outercourse’, said MamaMia, explaining that ‘outercourse’ counts ‘kissing, massaging, using vibrators, touching erogenous zones, clitoral stimulation, oral sex or toe-sucking. Basically, …