Orgasms Are Great, But Masturbation Also Comes With These 5 Health Benefits

By Devon Barrow Masturbation used to be a hush-hush topic saved for private conversations. But these days, as we’re rinsing shame out of sexuality, the holistic importance of sexual pleasure has come into full view. Backed by tons of positive science and research, we’re finally starting to see masturbation for what it really is: a …

How does autism affect sexuality and sexual relationships?

Autistic people may experience certain challenges when it comes to sex and relationships. However, an autistic person can have a fulfilling sex life. by Anna Smith Autism can affect how a person communicates, learns, behaves, and socially interacts with others. It does not require a cure. Being autistic can simply mean a person’s brain works …

Is Sexual Perfectionism Holding You Back In The Boudoir?

By Pema Bakshi Perfectionism is a well-documented personality trait that can vary from somewhat healthy to… not so healthy. We often hear about the need to have everything ‘just right‘ in the workplace or in social situations, but we rarely hear about the concept of sexual perfectionism; the kind that sees us taking it to …

When Sex and Gender Collide

Studies of transgender kids are revealing fascinating insights about gender in the brain By Kristina R. Olson The TransYouth Project is an ongoing research study following more than 300 transgender and gender-nonconforming kids for 20 years to learn how their gender identity develops. Results so far show that trans children have just as firm a …