Sex education at the push of a button: the apps changing lives worldwide

From dealing with harassment to frank advice about STIs, these female app developers are providing vital, candid knowledge By Abby Young-Powell [A]ccurate information about sex and healthy relationships leads to greater gender equality worldwide, a report by the UN’s world heritage body Unesco found. It also leads to better sexual health, as well as less …

7 condom myths everyone needs to stop believing, according to a doctor

By Sara Hendricks [W]hen it comes to condoms, chances are pretty good that you think you know everything there is know on the matter. Like, you’ve been learning about safe sex since eighth grade health class. You’re good. But where, exactly, does most of your current-day condom knowledge stem from? If it’s sourced from a …

Aphrodisiacs: Where is the evidence?

The quest for sexual satisfaction is as old as civilization itself. Can 21st-century medicine unravel the secret? Despite good-quality clinical studies, the holy grail of aphrodisiacs remains to be found. By Yella Hewings-Martin PhD [T]he quest for sexual satisfaction is as old as civilization itself. Can 21st-century medicine unravel the secret? Despite good-quality clinical studies, …

For Some With Intellectual Disabilities, Ending Abuse Starts With Sex Ed

by Joseph Shapiro [I]n the sex education class for adults with intellectual disabilities, the material is not watered down. The dozen women and men in a large room full of windows and light in Casco, Maine, take on complex issues, such as how to break up or how you know you’re in an abusive relationship. …

Poll: Americans differ on what constitutes sexual harassment

By Chris Kahn [A]mericans differ widely in their views of what constitutes sexual harassment, with age and race as well as gender throwing up the dividing lines, posing a challenge for those who police for such conduct in the workplace. The issue has been thrown into the national spotlight as a string of prominent men …

Female sex tech pioneers are turning pleasure into empowerment

Women are founding startups to design sex toys and wearables that appeal to female sensuality and increase representation in the tech industry By Kirstie Brewer [T]he percentage of female leaders working in technology is notoriously low and the sex tech industry fares no better. But there has been a surge in the number of sex …

Nienke Helder designs therapy tools for women recovering from sexual trauma

By Angel Trinidad Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Nienke Helder has created a set of sensory objects that can be used to rehabilitate women affected by sexual abuse. Presented at this year’s Dutch Design Week, Sexual Healing is designed to help women who are suffering from trauma-induced sexual problems, such as pelvic muscle blockage. According to the …