Running on Empty

I know things are a bit mixed up this week.  Frequent visitors to Dr Dick’s Sex Advice will know that Wednesdays are traditionally Video Days on the site. But I have to veer off course

Rapid Fire Dick 2

Name: Tom
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Location: Atlanta GA
Dr Dick I have a large dick and would like to know if size does make a difference, mine is 11.5 X 7 I have a

What’s Goin’ On?

Name: Daniel
Gender: male
Hey I got a quick question for you.
Every time i have intercourse, a spot of skin on my penis, where my circumcision scar is, gets red and tender


Once again, I have the pleasure of introducing all you perverts and wannabes to some very interesting playthings. Thanks to my inquisitive correspondents and Dr Dick’s Stockroom I’m able to bring you another installment of


My inbox overflowth! …and that ain’t pretty. Let’s attend to this glut with some snap.
Name: david
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Location: florida
i like my 6 inches and i work it well but,personaly i

Time On My Hands

When I was just a little tike, the nuns who taught me in grade school would often say, “idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” Far be it from me to lend the devil an idle

Hey Sex Fans!

I regret to inform you that this week’s podcast will not appear on time today, Monday, 04/16/07. Alas, my aged computer died an untimly death earlier this morning. Ain’t it a bitch!

I’m working

Clearing The Deck

Time to clean out the dr dick sex advice anonymous submission in-box. I wish I could have used some of these questions in my podcast. But I can only do that if you use the