Our First Q&A Show Of The New Year— Podcast #315 — 01/09/12

[Look for the podcast play button below.]

Hey sex fans, welcome back!

Holy cow, the new year is upon us and I’m all refreshed from my winter break and rarin’ to go. So it’s time to crank up the old microphone so I can bring you another Q&A show.

Say, did you know that this year marks my fifth year in podcasting? The actual anniversary isn’t for another month, but I thought I’d take this opportunity to toot my own horn, so to speak. And I foresee lots of very exciting programming coming your way in 2012.

But now I have this great show in store for you. Because it’s always a thrill to discover what my correspondents toss my way. And you can always count on me, your intrepid sexologist, to respond with clever, resourceful and oh so informative responses. Hey, it’s what I do!

This week we hear from

  • P wants to E-stim both himself and his partner at the same time.
  • Kyle wonders about tight pussies…I think.
  • Haans and his wife are blissful.
  • Chatt Mann is not sure if it’s a good thing to bust his nut in a chick’s mouth.
  • Matt is way more kinky than he’s letting on and he is letting on a lot.
  • Minou is interested in safe scrotal infusion play.
  • Joey is gettin fucked by heavy-hung black guys.
  • Christopher Ryan and I discuss the “cock factor” in straight porn.
  • Lee asks about the advisability of using E-stim with his inflatable penile implant.


Today’s podcast is bought to you by: Dr Dick’s Sex Advice and Dr Dick’s Sex Toy Review.


Check out The Lick-A-Dee-Split Connection. That’s Dr Dick’s toll free podcast voicemail HOTLINE. Don’t worry people; no one will personally answer the phone. Your message goes directly to voicemail.

Got a question or a comment? Wanna rant or rave? Or maybe you’d just like to talk dirty for a minute or two. Why not get it off your chest! Give Dr Dick a call at (866) 422-5680.


Look for my podcasts on iTunes. You’ll find me in the podcast section, obviously, or just search for Dr Dick Sex Advice. And don’t forget to subscribe. I wouldn’t want you to miss even one episode.

Damn-near Perfect

Hey sex fans,

We’re finally back from our all together too brief winter break to bring you the very first installment of our Product Review Friday for 2012. And we have the pleasure of welcoming back some old friends — the good people at WE-Vibe.

I mention this because our first WE-Vibe review was among the very first reviews we ever did, way back in August of 2008. You can find it HERE!

We raved about the WE-Vibe way back then and it also topped our Best Products Of The Year List that year. So let’s just see if this third incarnation of the original is as good as it’s hype.

And for that we check in with Dr Dick Review Crew members, Jack & Karen.

WE VIBE 3 —— $156.99

Jack & Karen
Karen: “Happy New Year everyone! Gosh, it’s so good to be back with the Dr Dick Review Crew. And to think we’re breaking in the new year while having the honor of introducing you to the marvelous WE VIBE 3 to boot. Well it doesn’t get any better than this.”
Jack: “Absolutely! What a way to launch 2012. Karen and I weren’t around when our colleagues, Kevin and Gina, wrote their review of the original WE-Vibe. But we certainly read it when we got involved with this effort. They had such a unique take on the product. If you haven’t read it; you sure oughta.”
Karen: “We intend to match Gina and Kevin’s genius; so here goes. The WE VIBE 3 is a vibration device that is used internally during penetration. That in itself is revolutionary. Picture for a moment the WE VIBE 3 inside a vagina. It is designed to deliver its powerful vibrations to both the G-spot and the clitoris. It is, of course, fully waterproof and come with a slim remote control. It’s brilliant I tell you.”
Jack: “And if you’re the lucky gent who is slipping and sliding in and out of that vagina Karen had you picture in your mind; well then you are also benefiting from the vibration and there’s the girth of the WE VIBE 3 that makes for a tighter fuck. Win, win and win!”
Karen: “But wait there’s more! There are no batteries; the WE VIBE 3 is rechargeable, which makes my heart sing. It comes with its own, covered induction recharge stand; it’s both discreet and very stylish. It’s perfect for travel. The WE VIBE 3 offers three kinds of stimulation, and it’s completely hands-free!”
Jack: “This gets me to my next point. The WE VIBE 3 is not only for penetration sex, no siree. Once I saw the potential of an insertable vibe with a remote control all bets were off. Soon our trips to the supermarket and the Home Depot became adventures in surprise sex. The WE VIBE 3 is super quiet, so Karen could be standing in a check-out lane talking to the casher, me right next to her, when all of a sudden she breaks out into a huge grin and she throws back her head a bit from the pleasure. The casher probably just thinks she on acid. Secretly pleasuring Karen in public, while standing next to her, is a total kick. I tell you, the contact pleasure for me is amazing.”
Karen: “He’s not kidding. I feel like a naughty schoolgirl. This has really spiced up our sex life. It’s so comfortable to wear that I wore the WE VIBE 3 all evening at the New Year’s Eve party we went to. I had the time of my life. Of course, the Champaign didn’t hurt. At one point, Jack gave the remote to a friend of ours. When I saw Jack go outside to chat with friends, I figured I was safe from a sudden burst of pleasure. But my clit jumped to attention when Jack’s friend, who was standing right next to me, jolted me out of my revelry.”
Jack: “The people who make the WE-Vibe have been committed to producing the very best, revolutionary hands-free vibrator for use during sex since it’s first model. But with each new model they outdo themselves. The We-Vibe 2 added variety; they improved the control button and added vibration patterns. Now the WE VIBE 3, features a 40% power increase and a longer battery life (2 hours per charge).”
Karen: “This jewel has two motors connected by a firm yet flexible neck. All this is in a u-shaped lightly textured vibe that fits in the palm of your hand. It is coated in a seamless body-safe, odorless, tasteless silicone. Because it’s waterproof it can be completely sanitized with bleach or in either boiling water or the dishwasher. So clean up is a breeze. And it comes in your choice of three lovely colors.”
Jack: “Because it is made of silicone, you must only use a water-based lube with this beauty. All the WE VIBE 3 packaging, although very attractive, is completely recyclable. Who says being socially conscious has to be dull?”
Full Review HERE!


One teachers approach to preventing gender bullying in a classroom

While we enjoy our holiday, we’d like to turn you on to a very interesting article. Be sure to take a look.

Gender Training Starts Early

Gender is not a subject that I would have broached in primary grades a few years ago. In fact, I remember scoffing with colleagues when we heard about a young kindergarten teacher who taught gender-related curriculum. We thought her lessons were a waste of instructional time and laughed at her “girl and boy” lessons.

Complete Article HERE!

More SEX WISDOM With Mac McGregor — Podcast #314 — 12/21/11

[Look for the podcast play button below.]

Hello sex fans! Welcome back.

Happy Solstice everyone! Here we are at yet another change in the seasons. Depending on where you live, the winter or summer solstice is upon us. And regardless the relentless march of time; there’s something about the changing of the seasons that I find very comforting. Just think, before ya know it we will be welcoming the equinox. I love the predictability of it all

This show also marks the end of the 2011 edition of my podcasts. We’ll all be on holiday for the next couple of weeks, don’t cha know. Podcasts will resume on Monday, January 9th, 2012 with a brand spankin’ new Q&A show.

To see us to the door, today so to speak, I’m delighted to welcome back my friend, Mac McGregor. He is a transman, author, activist, gender and sex educator, world-class martial artist and Seattle City Commissioner. He returns for Part 2 of his appearance on this the SEX WISDOM series.

But wait; you didn’t miss Part 1 of our conversation, did you? Well not to worry if you did, because you will find it and all of my shows in the podcast archive right here on my site. All ya gotta do is use the site’s search function in the header, type in podcast #313 and PRESTO! But don’t forget to use the #sign when you do your search.

Mac and I discuss:

  • The binary myth;
  • Surprising sexual awakenings;
  • The new term “gender queer”;
  • The gender specificity of language;
  • The shift from transsexual to transgender;
  • A question of vanity;
  • The Ingersoll Gender Center;
  • Sex work in the trans community;
  • Activism and sex education;
  • The search for kink positive and sex positive healing and helping professionals.

Mac invites you to visit him on his site HERE! Find him on Facebook HERE and Twitter HERE!


Check out The Lick-A-Dee-Split Connection. That’s Dr Dick’s toll free podcast voicemail HOTLINE. Don’t worry people; no one will personally answer the phone. Your message goes directly to voicemail.

Got a question or a comment? Wanna rant or rave? Or maybe you’d just like to talk dirty for a minute or two. Why not get it off your chest! Give Dr Dick a call at (866) 422-5680.


Look for my podcasts on iTunes. You’ll find me in the podcast section, obviously, or just search for Dr Dick Sex Advice. And don’t forget to subscribe. I wouldn’t want you to miss even one episode.

Today’s Podcast is bought to you by: DR DICK’S — HOW TO VIDEO LIBRARY.


Sex Therapy—What Is It and Who Needs It? – Part 2

(Look for Part 1 of this series HERE!)

Of course, there are plenty of individuals—and couples—who haven’t waited until the last minute to seek help. These people want to be proactive about their concerns. Some people simply need some clear, unambiguous information about human sexuality. A surprising number of people are trying to piece together their sexual lives, but are hampered by misconceptions and misinformation.

Sometimes a momentous event motivates a person to address arising sexual or intimacy issues. The birth of a child, a disease process, a death in the family, or an accident can fundamentally alter the power dynamic of a relationship, which will require a rethinking of the entire relationship.

Or perhaps someone comes to a new realization about him or herself: Perhaps they are finally able to acknowledge their bisexuality, or that he’s gay, or she’s a lesbian. Maybe they are finally able to acknowledge a fetish—he’s a crossdresser, or she’s into another kink. Things like this obviously impact the individual, but if that person is in a relationship, the relationship is also affected. People in these self-revelatory situations are often unsure how to talk about their discoveries with a partner, which is another reason they seek counseling.

Some couples don’t fret when the sex vanishes from the relationship; other couples are devastated. What does one do when one partner still has sexual needs, but the other doesn’t? Often, there are unexplored options that can hold the relationship together, but will address the disparity in sexual interest and desire.

In this case, I can help the couple make compromises without losing their moral compass. Some couples navigate this with ease; others not so much. It can be extremely challenging, but there are ways to preserve what’s sacred about a primary relationship, while contemplating opening the relationship to include others. I can help a couple establish guidelines and ground rules for making the necessary adjustments.

Sometimes the relationship is really wonderful and fun. The couple really loves each other, but they’ve noticed their sex life together is pretty boring and stale. I’m often approached to simply help a couple spice things up. In this instance, my work is sheer joy. Mostly, I just give them permission to experiment and have fun.

You’ve probably noticed that a good portion of the work that I do as a sex therapist is merely giving permission. That may not sound like therapy at all, but when you consider that our sex-negative culture is so full of prohibitions; permission giving is often the front line of sexual rehabilitation. Most of the permissions I give are for an individual to educate him or herself about his or her body and his or her sexual response cycle. Personal exploration, such as masturbation, is the very best means to that education. I’m a huge proponent of partners masturbating together.

Happily, our need to reacquaint and reeducate ourselves about our bodies and our sexual response cycle is a life-long process. There is always something new to explore. As we age, our bodies change, and if we don’t keep up with those changes, we can become frustrated and disoriented. Older people, menopausal women and andropausal men, take longer to build up “a head of sexual steam,” so to speak. If they’re not attuned to the changes they’re going through, they can easily miss the important cues their body is sending to slow down and enjoy the sensuality.

Of course, I could go on and on, but now I want to leave you with what is the distillation of years my thinking about the role sexuality plays in our life:

I believe that sex is like food.
We can enjoy it alone, or with others.
We can be abstemious, or gluttonous.
We can nosh or nibble; dine or devour.
And we can be certain there will be both times of feast and famine.

Sex is like food.
It can nourish and sustain us, or it can make us sick.
We can consume all the available bounty, or restrict our diet.
It can completely satisfy, or leave us devastatingly empty.
We can employ it to express our highest aspirations, or allow it to rob us of our soul.
We can give it as a gift, or use it as a weapon.
It can be both bacchanal and sacrament.

One thing is for sure, whether purely physical or transcendentally spiritual, no one can live without food…or sex.

Got a Sex Question?
You’ve come to the right place.
Contact me here: questions@drdicksexadvice.com

No time to write?
Give Dr Dick a call.
(866) 422-5680
Toll Free — Voicemail — HOTLINE

Would you like to talk about your sexual concerns, feelings, lifestyle or experiences?
Arrange for a consultation HERE!

Either way, you can be assured of my complete discretion.

SEX WISDOM With Mac McGregor — Podcast #313 — 12/14/11

[Look for the podcast play button below.]

Hello sex fans! Welcome back.

Holy cow, we’re pert near the end of the year. Where does the time go? Everyone here is looking forward to our annual winter holiday. That’s right, we have only one more week of diligence till we wrap things up for this year and disappear for a couple of weeks.

However, you know that old saying; saving the best for last? Well in a way that’s what going on today. Despite having a sting of remarkable guests for this the SEX WISDOM series, there’s no beating today’s guest. I’m so stoked to welcome the one and only Mac McGregor to the show.

Mac is a transman, author, activist, gender and sex educator, world-class martial artist and Seattle City Commissioner, don’t cha know. And if that’s not enough to float your boat, he’s also as funny as hell. I am so proud to share a microphone with this amazing man.

Mac and I discuss:

  • A shout out to Seattle sex icon, Allena Gabosch;
  • Working on his book titled: Unbroken;
  • All attractions are not physical;
  • Being a sexual outlaw;
  • Finding refuge in the dyke world;
  • Gender and genitals;
  • Cultural prejudices;
  • Tomboys and sissies;
  • Who determines gender;
  • Sexual expression and behaviors;
  • Gender queer youth;
  • Cisgender.

Mac invites you to visit him on his site HERE! Find him on Facebook HERE and Twitter HERE!


Check out The Lick-A-Dee-Split Connection. That’s Dr Dick’s toll free podcast voicemail HOTLINE. Don’t worry people; no one will personally answer the phone. Your message goes directly to voicemail.

Got a question or a comment? Wanna rant or rave? Or maybe you’d just like to talk dirty for a minute or two. Why not get it off your chest! Give Dr Dick a call at (866) 422-5680.


Look for my podcasts on iTunes. You’ll find me in the podcast section, obviously, or just search for Dr Dick Sex Advice. And don’t forget to subscribe. I wouldn’t want you to miss even one episode.

Today’s podcast is bought to you by: Hot Plus Size Lingerie.
Plus Size Lingerie

Sex Therapy—What Is It and Who Needs It? – Part 1

I’m often asked about my work as a sex therapist. I’m surprised at how few people have any sense of what a sexologist does. While I can’t speak for all my fellow therapists, I can tell you a bit about my own practice.

Most of the work I do is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): short-term, goal-directed and personally liberating (I don’t believe this kind of therapy should become a lifestyle). Basically, I suggest that people with sexual issues change the behaviors that contribute to their problems as a surefire way to solve them. I try to give my clients all the tools they need to successfully work things out on their own once the therapeutic intervention is over. This approach doesn’t fit everyone; however, 99.9 percent of the people I work with respond positively.

I encourage my clients to give themselves permission to investigate their sexuality. This in turn assists them in taking charge of making themselves feel better and/or perform better. And as soon as they do, they almost immediately have a greater sense of wellbeing. Like they say, nothing breeds success like success.

Once we identify an area of concern, my client and I create a plan of action for them to implement. I believe the more an individual is part of their own healing process, the more productive that process will be.

Sadly, I find that fewer and fewer people are willing to give their sexual issues the attention they deserve. Rather than investing the time and energy to get to the bottom of their issues, many opt instead for the quick fix—the “Give me a pill for that” mentality. They’re often unwilling to make the necessary lifestyle changes to actually solve their problems. For example, I encounter people who are eating themselves to death, or abusing alcohol or drugs. Of course they have the accompanying sexual response issues—erection problems for men and arousal concerns for women. They may desperately want to resolve these issues, but without committing to any change in behavior—i.e.: “I want my erection back, but I won’t stop drinking”—such interventions almost always ends in disappointment.

Sexual dysfunction of one sort or another is the issue I see most recurrently in my practice, although the reason why a client reaches out varies. Sometimes an individual’s tolerance level peaks, and they finally decide to do something about an issue that may have been smoldering for years. Sometimes it’s a partner who brings in their proverbially “broken” partner, telling me to “fix him/her.”

Couples often seek sex therapy together, as sexual problems tend to be more obvious within relationships. However, by the time the couple comes for therapy, the issues have most likely been plaguing them for some time. The relationship often comes close to ending before the couple agrees to address the problem. For example: Say a guy brings his wife in because she’s “frigid,” whatever that may entail. They’ve been married for X-number of years, and he’s finally had it. She, on the other hand, doesn’t want to be in therapy, because she doesn’t really think there’s anything wrong with her. She just doesn’t want to have sex anymore, and she doesn’t want to discuss it. Period.

This is a difficult way to start therapy. Resentments are high and frustrations rage. If the couple does continue, we usually discover that there’s also something desperately wrong with the husband. Inevitably, we ascertain that he’s an ineffectual lover—and his inability to pleasure his wife is the root of her “problem.” It’s often painfully clear that he knows little (if anything) about his wife’s sexual needs or desires. Meanwhile, the wife has never had permission to know her body, so she’s unable to help or direct him. As you can imagine in a case like this, there’s a load of remedial sex education that must come before anything else is resolved.

Couples also seek therapy when one spouse has cheated on the other. The “cheat-ee” declares, in no uncertain terms, that this therapy is the last-ditch effort before “the end of the road.” Often in such cases, it’s too late for a successful intervention, because each partner is so angry and shamed that the chance of turning the situation around is slim. Sometimes the best we can do is end the relationship with as little acrimony as possible.

In difficult couple counseling situations like this, my first effort is to get the couple to disarm. There will be no sex therapy—and God knows there is a need for sex therapy—until there is some semblance of peace between partners. If we don’t establish at least a small bank of goodwill, our efforts are doomed.

We’ll pick this up next week at this time.

Got a Sex Question?
You’ve come to the right place.
Contact me here: questions@drdicksexadvice.com

No time to write?
Give Dr Dick a call.
(866) 422-5680
Toll Free — Voicemail — HOTLINE

Would you like to talk about your sexual concerns, feelings, lifestyle or experiences?
Arrange for a consultation HERE!

Either way, you can be assured of my complete discretion.

Yikes! WTF is wrong with me?

Name: Tony
Age: 40
Location: Houston
I’ve loved several women and even married and divorced one. Over the last few years, I notice having similar feelings for men around me…longing, sweaty palms, difficulty thinking and wanting to be with them alone. Is this love? Am I bisexual? Am I a sick man better off dead? I have not crossed the line and I still have great sex with women. But there’s now a guy that I think about when I’m with her! Am I gay? Bisexual? Sick in the head?

Hey, chill out, my friend, this is not all that uncommon a phenomenon. Many people, just like you, inexplicably find themselves behaving in a completely unexpected sexual manner. I would, however, love to know what triggered you to veer off your comfortable and predictable sexual path?

While you enjoy these new found feelings, beware that there’s never a scarcity of sexual fascists out there. People who believe that sexual tastes and preferences are carved in stone, or that there’s only one “right” way to be sexual. They’ll persecute anyone who doesn’t conform to their strict immutable notions of sexuality and eroticism. Despite the proliferation of these hetero-fascists and homo-fascists; they are all very wrong about the indomitable human spirit and the flexibility of human sexuality.

Humans are not sexual automatons. Given a more permissive and sex-positive culture then our own, we’d all be more fluid in our eroticism and sexual expression. Are you one of the lucky few who has discovered the joy of this fluidity? Doesn’t quite sound like it to me, at least not yet. I think you’re still in the “scared shitless” stage.

For a guy who has yet to “cross the line” and actually act on your fantasy, you sure are preoccupied with your identity. Are you afraid that someone will take away your breeder card if you actually touch a dude in a sexual way? Does having same-sex feelings…sweaty palms and all…make you a gay? I certainly doubt it! Being gay entails a lot more than a sense of longing for something you’re not supposed to have. Are you bisexual? I can’t say for sure, but you’re certainly not exclusively straight either. I suppose you have to come to grips with the self-identify thing when you have a bit more information about your burgeoning eroticism. What I know for sure is that you are not sick.

Who knows, your homoeroticism might very well be situational. It might not extend any farther than the guy you think about when you’re fucking chicks. I know all of this is can be pretty disconcerting and it can really mess with your head. But at least you know you are still alive sexually. So many people are sleepwalking through their erotic lives.

Will you act on your inclinations? Will you test the waters, so to speak? What harm could it do? Might just open up a whole new sexual world for you. On the other hand, if you do nothing, or try and repress these natural feelings, you’ll always know in your heart of hearts that you have the desire, if not the capacity, to express yourself sexually with a much wider range of humans than what you are currently used to. And something tells me that if you choose the path of self-denial, it will eat away at you until you satisfy your curiosity.

Good luck

Name: William
Age: 67
Location: Connecticut
Is there such a thing as a being a homosexual watcher only? Ya know, getting an erection, but not wanting to perform?

All of human sexuality is on a continuum. Are you familiar with the Kinsey Scale? The dean of American sex research, Alfred Kinsey, his associate, Wardell Pomeroy, and their colleagues developed this scale as a way of classifying a person’s sexuality in terms of both behavior and fantasy.

This is what they developed.

0- Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual behavior or fantasy.
1- Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual — most likely in fantasy only.
2- Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual — fantasy for sure and possibly behavior too.
3- Equally heterosexual and homosexual in both behavior and fantasy.
4- Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual — fantasy for sure and possibly behavior too.
5- Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual — most likely in fantasy only.
6- Exclusively homosexual with no heterosexual behavior or fantasy.

These pioneering sexologists also discovered that an individual may be reassigned a different position on this scale, at different periods in his/her life. It’s conceivable that one could go from Kinsey 0 to 6 in a lifetime, or just a summer in San Francisco. This seven-point scale comes close to showing the many gradations that actually exist in human sexual expression.

Back to your specific question, William, yes, someone could be a Kinsey “6” in terms of his fantasy and desire, but be a Kinsey “0” in terms of behaviors.

We’re amazing creatures, huh?

Good Luck

More of The Erotic Mind of David Peterman — Podcast #312 — 12/05/11

[Look for the podcast play button below.]

Hey sex fans, welcome back.

Award-winning Seattle photographer, David Peterman, who has a penchant for marvelous group photo projects, is back with us today for Part 2 of his appearance on this The Erotic Mind show.

But wait; you didn’t miss Part 1 of our conversation, did you? Well not to worry if you did, because you will find it and all of my shows in the podcast archive right here on my site. All ya gotta do is use the site’s search function in the header, type in podcast #311 and Voilà! But don’t forget to use the #sign when you do your search.

David and I discuss:

  • Burning Man and the beginning of his interest in photography;
  • Connecting with his models;
  • The impact of time and culture on our appreciation of what is erotic;
  • His media — shooting digitally and the digital darkroom;
  • Realistic vs. manipulated photography;
  • Photo shoots and photo projects;
  • His inspirations.

For more of David, his amazing work and vision, I encourage you to visit his website HERE. And there, you will find a link to his insightful blog. Also look for him Twitter HERE.

(Click on the images below for a slideshow of some of David’s work.)


Check out The Lick-A-Dee-Split Connection. That’s Dr Dick’s toll free podcast voicemail HOTLINE. Don’t worry people; no one will personally answer the phone. Your message goes directly to voicemail.

Got a question or a comment? Wanna rant or rave? Or maybe you’d just like to talk dirty for a minute or two. Why not get it off your chest! Give Dr Dick a call at (866) 422-5680.


Look for all my podcasts on iTunes. You’ll find me in the podcast section, obviously. Just search for Dr Dick Sex Advice. And don’t forget to subscribe. I wouldn’t want you to miss even one episode.

Today’s Podcast is bought to you by: Fleshlight & FleshJack.