Tips on How to Increase Penis Sensitivity

— Experiencing a decrease in penis sensitivity can be a frustrating experience and something that people don’t often talk about. However, there are effective solutions available that can increase penis sensitivity and restore the pleasure experienced during sexual activities. This article will explore these solutions and provide valuable insights to help you regain a fulfilling and pleasurable sexual experience.


  • Penis desensitization refers to reduced sensitivity in the penis, which can cause frustration and diminished sexual satisfaction.
  • People seek to enhance penis sensitivity for increased pleasure, intimacy, and sexual performance, leading to improved sexual satisfaction, confidence, and body image.
  • Penis desensitization may result from overstimulation, specific techniques, nerve damage, circulation problems, Peyronie’s disease, medications, age, psychological factors, hormone imbalances, drugs, alcohol, or medical conditions.
  • Treatments may involve lifestyle changes, medical management, and the use of products or exercises like Kegel exercises, cock rings, and topical solutions.

People seek to enhance penis sensitivity for various reasons, including heightened pleasure, improved intimacy, and enhanced sexual performance. Increased sensitivity in the penis plays a significant role in sexual experiences, allowing for a wide range of pleasurable sensations, deeper emotional connections with partners, and improved sexual response. It contributes to higher levels of sexual satisfaction, fosters better communication between partners, boosts sexual confidence, and positively impacts body image.

Understanding penis desensitization

Penis desensitization refers to experiencing reduced sensation in the penis compared to previous levels. While some sensitivity remains, it is noticeably less than what was previously experienced, leading to frustration and diminished sexual satisfaction. It is essential to distinguish this condition from a completely numb penis, where a person is unable to feel any sensation in certain areas or the entire penis.

What causes penis desensitization?

Penis desensitization can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Overstimulation or rough handling. Penis desensitization can be caused by overstimulation or rough handling during sexual activities, including gripping the penis too firmly during masturbation. Frequent or intense sexual activity without sufficient breaks in between can lead to temporary desensitization.
  • Specific masturbation techniques. Using a specific masturbation technique consistently may cause the penis to get used to that particular stimulation, making it challenging to experience pleasure through other means.
  • Nerve damage. Nerve damage in the penis can decrease sensitivity by disrupting the transmission of signals between the penis and the brain, leading to reduced sensation and responsiveness to sexual stimulation.
  • Circulation issues. Circulation issues can contribute to penile desensitization by affecting blood flow to the penis. Reduced blood flow can impact the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the penile nerves and tissues, leading to decreased sensitivity.
  • Sitting for long periods. Prolonged sitting or bike riding can contribute to penile desensitization, as the pressure and reduced blood flow in the pelvic region can affect nerve sensitivity in the penis.
  • Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease involves the development of fibrous scar tissue, or plaques, within the penis, leading to penile curvature. This can also decrease sensitivity due to scarring.
  • Certain medications. Certain medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) used to treat depression and medications used to treat erectile dysfunction, have been associated with a decrease in penis sensitivity.
  • Age. Many people naturally experience decreased penis sensitivity as they age due to hormonal changes, reduced blood flow and nerve functioning, and medical conditions.
  • Psychological factors. Depression, stress, and anxiety are among the psychological factors that can contribute to penile desensitization.
  • Hormone imbalances. Hormone imbalances, such as hypogonadism, where the body doesn’t produce the correct amount of hormones, can cause a decrease in penis sensitivity.
  • Drugs and alcohol. Alcohol and drugs, including nicotine, can decrease sensitivity in the penis by affecting the nervous system and blood flow, leading to reduced nerve responsiveness and impaired circulation.
  • Certain medical conditions. Medical conditions and diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, prostate disease or infections, and sexually transmitted infections can cause the penis to become desensitized.

How can you increase penis sensitivity?

Treatments for increasing penis sensitivity can vary depending on the underlying factors causing desensitization. Here are some potential approaches to enhance penis sensitivity:

  • Overstimulation or rough handling. To prevent overstimulation and rough handling, practice moderation during sexual activity and masturbation. Consider using lubrication to reduce friction and protect the delicate penile tissues. Experiment with different techniques and pressure levels to find what works best for maintaining sensitivity.
  • Nerve damage. If nerve damage is the cause of decreased sensitivity, consult a healthcare professional to identify the underlying condition and explore treatment options. Managing conditions like diabetes or multiple sclerosis can help preserve nerve function and potentially improve sensitivity.
  • Circulation issues. To enhance penile blood flow and sensitivity, maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding smoking. Consult a healthcare provider to manage circulatory issues that may contribute to decreased sensitivity.
  • Sitting for long periods. If your lifestyle involves extended periods of sitting, take frequent breaks to stand and move around. Invest in a cushioned seat or use ergonomic aids to reduce pressure on the pelvic area. If you are a regular bike rider, choose a seat that is wider and has cushioning.
  • Peyronie’s disease. If diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease, seek guidance from a urologist or specialist. They may recommend treatments like medications, traction devices, or surgery to address the condition and improve sensitivity.
  • Certain medications. If you suspect medications are affecting your penile sensitivity, consult your healthcare provider. They may adjust your medication or recommend alternative treatments to minimize side effects on sexual function.
  • Age. Adopt a healthy lifestyle to counteract the effects of aging on sensitivity. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management can positively impact sexual health and function.
  • Psychological factors. Engage in stress-reducing activities like meditation, yoga, or hobbies to promote relaxation and improve overall well-being. Seek guidance from a mental health practitioner to address underlying psychological factors that may contribute to desensitization.
  • Hormone imbalances. Consult a healthcare professional for hormone testing and appropriate treatments if you suspect hormonal imbalances. Hormone replacement therapy may be recommended to address decreased sensitivity due to low testosterone levels.
  • Drugs and alcohol. Limit alcohol and drug consumption, as they can affect sexual function and sensitivity. Moderation or abstaining from these substances can lead to improved sexual experiences.
  • Certain medical conditions. Properly manage medical conditions like diabetes or cardiovascular disease with the help of healthcare professionals. Effective management can improve overall health and potentially restore penile sensitivity.

Are there products or exercises that can help?

Along with addressing any underlying causes of decreased sensitivity, several products and exercises can be beneficial.

Kegel exercises, which strengthen pelvic floor muscles, may enhance blood flow to the genital area, which could lead to increased sensitivity. Cock rings restrict blood flow out of the penis, which enhances erections and may intensify sensations. Various creams, sprays, and lubricants are available that can be applied directly on the penis, which stimulates the skin and potentially increases sensitivity.

When to seek professional help

When the decrease in sensitivity significantly impacts your sexual pleasure and daily life, or if you experience numbness in your penis or suspect an underlying condition contributing to the reduced sensitivity, seeking professional help is essential. Start by consulting a sexologist or a general practitioner who can guide you to the relevant specialist based on the underlying cause, ensuring you receive appropriate and targeted treatment for your specific needs.

How to communicate with your partner

Having open and honest communication with your partner about penile sensitivity is essential for maintaining a strong and intimate relationship. Sharing your feelings and experiences through “I” statements can help your partner understand the physical and emotional impact the decreased sensitivity may have on you. Approach the conversation with empathy and compassion, emphasizing that it is a medical condition rather than something caused by their actions.

Encourage your partner to actively participate in the discussion, seeking solutions as a team. Show appreciation for their understanding and support while addressing the issue. Being open about your needs and concerns allows your partner to be more empathetic and supportive, fostering a deeper connection and a more fulfilling sexual experience for both of you. Remember that communication is the key to overcoming challenges and building a strong and intimate bond with your partner.

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Do Penis Pumps Work?

— Tips on How to Safely Use a Penis Pump

Sexual health and wellness are vital parts of most adults’ lives. Unfortunately, your sex life can be impacted by reproductive health disorders or other factors. For example, one way that cis-men and people with penises try to enhance their erectile functioning and sexual satisfaction is through the use of penis pumps. However, do penis pumps actually work, and — how do you use them?

By Natasha Weiss

  • Penis pumps are non-invasive medical devices used to help create erections.
  • <Penis pumps work by increasing blood flow to the penis to help people who have trouble achieving or maintaining erections.
  • Penis pumps can be used for erectile dysfunction stemming from several causes as well as to address issues like Peyronie’s disease.
  • There is limited data to support the efficacy of penis pumps; however, they are relatively low risk when used correctly.

What is a penis pump?

Penis pumps, also known as vacuum erection devices, are non-invasive medical devices that use vacuum pressure to create an erection. They are mostly used by cis-men or people with penises who have difficulty achieving or maintaining erections.

How does a penis pump work? The basic design of a penis pump typically consists of a plastic cylinder placed over the penis, creating a vacuum seal around the base of the penis. A manual or battery-powered pump is then used to remove the air from the cylinder, which creates negative pressure and draws blood into the penis, resulting in an erection.

Penis pumps are available in various sizes and styles and may include additional features such as a pressure gauge or a release valve to prevent over-pumping. Some models also come with constriction rings or bands that can be placed at the base of the penis to help maintain the erection.

There are several types of penis pumps:

  • Vacuum pump
  • Hydro pump
  • Air vacuum pump
  • Battery powered pump

How to use a penis pump

Looking for guidance on how to use a penis pump? Before using one, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your situation. They can also provide guidance on how to use the device properly and offer tips on maximizing its effectiveness.

Directions for penis pumps vary by manufacturer, but common guidelines include:

  • Use a small amount of water-soluble lubricant on the penis and around the opening of your device.
  • Place the tube over the penis.
  • Create a vacuum by using the pump to pull air out of the tube. Blood will start to flow to the penis, causing an erection.
  • To maintain erection, slide the band off the tube and onto the base of the penis before removing the tube.
  • You can use more lubricant to help remove the band.

Avoid using too much pressure, as this can lead to injury. Don’t leave the band on for more than 30 minutes, and wait 60 minutes between uses of your device.

Penis pump benefits

One of the key benefits of penis pumps is that they can be used by people dealing with erectile dysfunction (ED) as a non-invasive alternative to medications or surgery. This is because the suction mechanism of a penis pump increases blood flow to the genitals, filling the blood vessels in the penis so that they swell and lead to an erection.

Penis pumps may also benefit people affected by Peyronie’s disease, a condition that causes the penis to curve during an erection. One study found that after 12 weeks, participants had a statistically significant improvement in penile length, angle, and a decrease in pain after using a vacuum pump.

Do penis pumps work for penis enlargement?

Some manufacturers even claim that penis pumps can be used for penis enlargement. However, do penis enlargement pumps work? Another study found that after six months of use, the mean penile length had increased from 7.6 to 7.9 cm, which is not a significant difference. In addition, while the treatment was only about 10% effective, the patient satisfaction rate was 30%, indicating more psychological gratification than actual changes.

Can penis pumps help with ED?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition where someone has difficulty achieving or sustaining an erection. About 1 in 10 males deal with erectile dysfunction that interferes with their sex lives long-term. Erectile dysfunction becomes more common with age and can be caused by vascular disorders that affect blood flow to the penis, neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis, mental health issues, and injuries.

One of the main reasons people use penis pumps is to help treat erectile dysfunction. So, do penis pumps work for ED? Some research suggests they do. For example, one study found that 26 out of 28 men (93%) were satisfied after using a vacuum erection device for erectile dysfunction.

Do penis pumps actually work?

Some things may seem too good to be true, so the question is, “Do penis pumps work?” Well, that depends on several factors. The effectiveness of penis pumps varies depending on the severity of erectile dysfunction, someone’s overall health, the quality of the device, and whether they’re using it correctly.

There is research that backs up the effectiveness of penis pumps for erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease — but there are limited studies with small sample sizes. That being said, they’re relatively easy to use, with few risks, especially when compared to the potential risks of other treatments like medication.

While penis pumps may benefit people in the short term, they don’t address the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction or what may be interfering with your sex life. So it’s also important to be aware of their potential risks.

Are there any risks associated with penis pumps?

Is a penis pump safe? While penis pumps are generally considered safe, there are some risks associated with their use.

When using one, the penis can become slightly cool to the touch and blue-purple. You can apply a warm compress to help warm the penis before sex. Some people don’t ejaculate when climaxing after using a penis pump, as wearing a band can stop semen from passing. However, it’s important to note that this is not an effective method of birth control.

Additionally, over-pumping can cause bruising, small red spots on the skin (petechiae), swelling, and pain, and may even damage the blood vessels and tissues in the penis. Prolonged use of a penis pump can also lead to decreased sensitivity or numbness in the penis.

Furthermore, it is important to use the device as directed and talk to a healthcare provider before using a penis pump, especially if you have a history of blood clotting disorders, Peyronie’s disease, other medical conditions, or if you’re taking blood-thinning medications.

What else can help improve sexual function?

Penis pumps aren’t the only option for treating erectile dysfunction and enhancing sexual wellness. Here are some other ways you can improve sexual function:

  • Oral medications. Sildenafil (Viagra) or tadalafil (Cialis) can help increase blood flow to the penis.
  • Penile injections. Medications are injected directly into the penis to help improve blood flow.
  • Lifestyle changes. That includes maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, and getting regular exercise.
  • Mental health support. It’s essential to address psychological factors that may be affecting sexual function.
  • Penile implants. It involves implanting an inflatable device to help create an erection.
  • Surgery. Applies for treating Peyronie’s disease.

While penis implants may help some people, there is limited data to support their use. In addition, what works best for each individual may vary depending on the underlying cause of their sexual dysfunction. A healthcare provider can help determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on a patient’s individual needs and medical history.

Can penis pumps enlarge my penis?

Penis pumps may increase penis size temporarily, but not by a significant amount. This is thanks to an increase in blood flow in the penis, which can help create more length and girth, and promote sexual function. Results vary from person to person, but typically last around 30 minutes.

Is it risky to use penis pumps?

Penis pumps can cause side effects like bruising and swelling, but they are relatively low risk when used correctly. Using them too frequently or for long periods of time can potentially cause tissue damage to the penis, impairing erections and sexual function.

Are penis pumps medically approved?

Yes, penis pumps are medically approved devices that originally required a prescription to obtain – some insurance companies will even cover the cost of a penis pump. Now, there are more on the market that don’t require prescriptions, but a medically approved device that’s approved by your doctor is the safest choice.

Complete Article HERE!

The sex trends experts predict will be huge in 2019

By Ellen Scott

You might not think that sex has trends.

Sex is sex, right? There can’t be that much you can change about it.

But sex trends do indeed exist, whether in terms of the tech we’re using to get off, the type of relationships we have, or our views of sexual acts.

The good news is that as long as you’re having consensual fun, it really doesn’t matter if you stay ahead of the curve.

If you are keen on being at the cutting edge of sexual stuff, though, you’re in luck, as sex toy brand Lelo has just released their predictions for the top sex trends of 2019.

Just do everything on the list then pat yourself on the back for being the trendiest, sexiest person ever. Congrats.

Open relationships and polyamory

Of course, polyamory is not a new concept. But thanks to documentaries (oh hey, Louis Theroux), celebs and influencers sharing stories of how polyamory and open relationships can work, the idea of non-monogamy is becoming more widely accepted.

Think of how BDSM was pushed on to everyone’s radar by Fifty Shades Of Grey. The same sort of thing is happening with polyamory.

Sex dolls

Not the ones you’re imagining, blow up ones with holes for mouths.

We’re talking fancy sex dolls made to feel and look incredibly lifelike, made with silicone and internal skeletons for a more human feel.

Artificial Intelligence

With the rise of household devices such as Alexa and Google Home, it’s no surprise we’ll start using artificial intelligence in the bedroom, too.

This can range from vibrators that collect your data and adjust to give you an orgasm every time to sex robots who respond to dirty talk and adjust their personalities to fit your desires.

Yes, the techphobes among us will be freaked out, but 2019 will be a cool year when it comes to seeing how far we can take sex tech.

Being single

Blame Ariana Grande.

Lelo reckons that in 2019 we’ll see more women remaining happily single later into their lives, with no desire to get into relationships.

Self-dating will be on the rise, as will treating yourself to all the toys you could ever want to provide satisfaction solo.

Male pleasure

Will 2019 be the year we finally accept that men can enjoy sex toys too?

The sex toy market will launch a bunch of new male sex toys this year, including prostate massagers and masturbation sleeves, which will hopefully normalise something that’s, well, very normal: using tools to masturbate more effectively.

New sensations

Vibration is great, but Lelo says 2019 will see the rise of newer, fresher ways to stimulate pleasure.

The brand’s Sona sex toy, released in 2018, uses sonic waves to stimulate the clitoris, to drive pleasure much deeper in the body.

You’ll also spot more toys that use pulsing or suction.

Complete Article HERE!

Sex Toys For Men:

Are They Taking Over The World?


The sex tech industry is booming and you’re the last one to know. How do you feel about that? If I were you, I’d feel lame as hell. So, why not do something about it? They’re all gonna laugh at you either way. At least you’ll be having back-to-back orgasms while the nay-sayers snicker behind your back.

Our beloved gods of good sex have bestowed upon us a myriad of perverted pleasure products that pique every nook and cranny of our depraved interests. It’s time we took advantage of that. In today’s world, it’s possible to find a male sex toy that can do just about anything you can imagine. In fact, some manufacturers still know how to surprise me, believe it or not.

As John James, the Sex Toy Expert, I know all about sex tech and the products that have come out of its catacombs in the last few years. I’ve made it my life’s mission to “stay on top” of every sex toy I possibly could (pun most definitely intended). The results haven’t always been pretty but they’ve almost always been fun.

What Is Sex Tech?

I’m a gentleman and a scholar but even I don’t know the actual definition of “sex tech”. My best guess is that is has something to do with sex toys and technology. As far as I’m concerned, they can fuck off with their technical jargon. For our purposes, the term “sex tech” refers to any sex toy or arousal product that utilizes some form of technology in its design, features and/or functionality. Got it?

What Kind of Toys Are We Talking about Here?

One of the first questions I get when introducing someone to sex tech is, “So, what kinds of toys use technology like that?” I suppose it’s because most people only know about the traditional stuff, having little to no experience with the world of luxury brands and tech-savvy features. That’s okay though, because ole J.J. is here to help.
First of all, there are 5 main types of male sex toys that generally have a techie component or two. Know them and find your way to some of the best orgasms you’ve ever had. Ignore them and keep beating your meat like your granddad.

  • Masturbators
    Known for their durability and simplicity, handheld masturbators allow for manual manipulation of your penis and a fully customizable experience for you and/or your lover. Often made with pre-programmed speed or intensity settings and graced with the ability to connect via Bluetooth or internet for a real-time sex session, today’s masturbator isn’t the simple pocket pussy of yesteryear.
  • Automatic Blowjob Machines
    Once I tried an auto-blow device for the first time I started to wonder why the sex toy industry even bothered making anything else. These things are amazing and I’ll tell you why: Not only do they feel almost exactly like a real deep-throat knob-job but they also work without manual manipulation and can (sometimes) link up to other devices. While some masturbators do that too, only automatic blowjob machines simulate the kind of shameless, enthusiastic head you have to pay good money for.

FUN FACT: Many masturbators and auto-blow machine models come with orifices and/or skin-like sleeves that have been molded after famous porn stars.

  • Torsos
    If you want to get REAL nasty, go for a humanoid torso that has tech-friendly features like touch-sensitive controls, sync-motion, vibration and Bluetooth connectivity. Among the most high-tech (and most expensive) male sex toys on the market, torsos are also among the most realistic in terms of visuals and can sometimes be have their hyper-humanistic skins and canals warmed.
  • Prostate Massagers
    There are a lot of p-spot stimulation toys out there that are designed with high-tech features and pleasure-seeking settings. Although usually not as futuristic as the auto-blow machines or the torsos, prostate and perineum massagers come in all shapes and sizes from beginner to pro. The higher-end models can be synced to Bluetooth, smart phone apps or other toys for an interactive or long-distance party.
  • Cock Rings 
    A staple of the modern-day bedroom in my humble opinion, the cock ring is a must-have for any contemporary pervert with something to prove. A good high-tech cock ring can be controlled via wireless remote or smart phone app, plus it’s generally rechargeable and waterproof. Made for discreet guys who like safe restriction and convenient kink, well-made cock rings with high-tech features bring out the animal in any man.

The Final Verdict

Doesn’t it feel so much better to be “in the know” about male sex tech and the options that currently flood the market? I know I feel much better having schooled you on what’s up. If variety is the spice of life, then an existence without several high-tech sex toys must be an extremely bland one. I, for one, have better taste than that.

Complete Article HERE!

How Your Penis Exercises While You Sleep

[I]f you want to maintain your penis size and keep it ready to perform, it is important to know how to exercise your penis. While the “love muscle” is not actually a muscle itself, your member contains spongy tissue and chambers that fill with blood to make it harder and larger; so it’s important to exercise it like any other part of the body.

You can exercise your penis by engaging in activities that increase blood flow into it. And the best way to encourage blood flow and preserve penis length is to have regular sex and/or to masturbate more. Simply put, it’s a case of use it or lose it. The more you have sex or masturbate the better shape your penis will be in. Another thing you may not know is that your penis actually exercises itself while you sleep.

Exercising Your Penis in Your Sleep

Your penis actually gets a workout while you sleep. Those middle-of-the-night and early-morning erections have an important function. They are a way for your penis to pump itself up and get some exercise. These erections are called “nocturnal erections,” and they serve several purposes such as promoting oxygenation and blood flow to the penis and helping prevent erectile dysfunction (ED). Plus, from a biological perspective, waking up with your “little friend” ready to go with your partner nearby helps encourage reproduction. Isn’t that convenient?

This “nature’s little helper” is also a natural penis extension therapy, helping to maintain penis size by continuously stretching the penile tissue. When you have an erection, oxygenating blood fills the penis, making it hard. Having good blood flow is an essential component to achieving and maintaining that erection. All healthy men with normal erectile function have multiple erections during their sleep cycle.

As you get older, you may notice that these nocturnal and morning erections are not as strong or as frequent as you had in your younger years. One of the reasons nocturnal erections reduce as you age is because of decreased testosterone, but their absence and other erectile problems could indicate a larger health problem. If you can’t remember the last time you woke up with a hard-on, or if you have experienced erectile dysfunction while awake, talk to your doctor because erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a sign of heart disease.

The downside to having fewer nocturnal erections as you age is that you stop receiving the extension and exercise benefits they provide. That makes it so you have to start working harder in the non-sleeping hours. If you don’t exercise your penis regularly, your penis can actually shrink 1-2 centimeters. Some of the other risks for loss of penis length include weight gain, aging (due to lack of use and declining hormones), genetics, and prostate surgery.

About 70 percent of the men who have their prostate removed can expect to lose some of their penis length. Prostate cancer patients are often unable to achieve an erection for 6-24 months, so doctors sometimes prescribe penis pumps. A penis pump is a tool that keeps the blood flowing in and out, and it helps prevent permanent shrinkage by stretching the penile tissue.

How to Test for Nocturnal Erections

If you are not waking up with erections and are not sure if you still even have nocturnal erections, here’s a simple nocturnal erection test you can do over three nights in the privacy of your own home. Before you laugh, this is actually a real test used by urologists, and it has a name—the nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) stamp test.

Get a strip of four to six postage stamps (you’ll need a strip for each night). Wrap the strip around the shaft of the penis and moisten to seal the ring. Once the stamp is dry, carefully place your penis into your shorts or underwear to protect the stamps from falling off. In the morning, check to see if the stamps have been broken along their perforation. During at least one of the three nights you should see the ring of stamps broken. If the ring is not broken there may be a physical problem, and you should talk to your doctor.

ED and Heart Disease

If you no longer are getting nocturnal erections or if you have had trouble with your erectile function during the waking hours, talk to your doctor to get your heart checked. A lack of nocturnal erections is one of the signs of ED, and ED is connected with another, scarier ED: early death. So even though exercising your penis is important, you also need to exercise your heart and eat a heart-healthy diet to protect both your heart and your love life.

When Size Matter

If you are concerned about losing your penis length, the best and most enjoyable plan is to use it as much as possible. There are penis-lengthening procedures, but they all have some cautions or drawbacks. One of the interesting penis facts, is that about 50 percent of your penis is actually inside your body courtesy of a suspensory ligament that attaches the penis to your pelvic bone. During surgery, a doctor releases the ligament so that more of the penis can move outside the body. It’s a serious procedure that takes awhile to heal, so you should look into whether gaining that extra inch or so is worth it.

If girth is more your concern than length there are some penile widening procedures as well. You can have a doctor implant silicone, fat, or tissue grafts into your penis. Another procedure that improves girth is to inject hyaluronic acid (a substance found in your body) into the penis. It is said to be painful but effective.

Maintaining a healthy sex life remains the best natural “sex-ercise plan” you can follow (along with exercise, diet, and lifestyle modifications). There are also other great sex exercises for men that can help strengthen muscles and increase stamina and flexibility for better performance. Most men will agree that having sex regularly to maintain penis size sounds much more inviting than cutting or injecting their favorite—and most sensitive—body part unless there is a serious medical reason for it.

Complete Article HERE!

Pump It Up

Name: Celia
Gender: female
Age: 22
Location: Chico
I think my clit is too small. I rarely have an orgasm through oral stimulation and never through intercourse. Is there anything I could do to make my clit bigger? Do they make “penis pumps” for women?

I never did hear of a too small of a clit, darlin’. Listen, there’s way more to your clitoris than what meets the eye. While it is clitoral anatomytrue that those adorable little pleasure buttons come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. What is externally visible is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. Wanna know more? Use the Google, why don’t cha? Search for “clitoral anatomy.” You’ll be amazed at what you find. Did you know that your clit has a hood, head, and a shaft? The whole complex looks like this winged alien creature. And did you know that your clit’s only purpose is pleasure. Men don’t have anything that even faintly resembles this astonishing thing. And the head of your clit has 8,000 nerve endings? That’s double what a guy has in his much larger dickhead. Pretty gal-darn amazing, huh? So to my mind, clitoral size is not an issue.

During sexual arousal your clit, as well as your whole pussy, engorge with blood and change color, just like a guy’s cock does. The more the engorgement, the more sensitive the area becomes, just like for a guy. Thus, the more aroused you are; the more pleasure you will receive, just like a guy. clitProblem is, few women are afforded the time necessary to become fully aroused. Imagine if a guy was expected to perform sexually before he was fully aroused. He’d be trying to fuck with a limp dick. And you know how successful an event that would be.

Conquering a limp dick is precisely the genesis of the fabled penis pump you mention in your question. The Austrian inventor Otto Ledever reasoned that if a stiffy was all about blood flow then maybe he could come up with a device that would draw blood into a cock creating an erection where there wasn’t one before. In 1917, our hero patented an airtight cylinder topped by a bulb that created a vacuum within the chamber. Insert a limp dick — pump, pump, pump and tada! — An impressive erection resulted.

Well then, since girl parts are pretty much like boy parts, at least in terms of the whole blood flow thing; the same principle will indeed work for your parts, Celia, just as well as it would work for a dude’s parts. Which gets me to my answer to your question. Yes, my dear, there are “penis pumps” for women only they are called a Clitoral Suction Cylinder or a Vagina Suction Cylinder.

The purpose of the suction is to increase blood flow making your clit, and/or your whole pussy, more sensitive to the touch. And again, my point from above, the more sensitivity in the area, the more pleasure you will have from your own touch or that of a partner.

I invite you to visit Dr Dick’s Stockroom and take a look around.  You’ll see, in the left hand sidebar, a list of product categories. Under the main heading, Sex Toys, there is a subcategory titled, “Suction.”  Click on it. There you will find two more headings, one of which is “Nipple And Body.”  Click on it. There you will find loads of things that will make your clit sit up and take notice. Here’s a tip, most all the nipple suction devices will also work on your clit. And if you want to pump up your whole pussy, you can do that too. How fun!

Clitoral Suction Cylinder  Clitoral enlargement system

Now if you want to be all primed, so to speak, for an upcoming fuck fest with the BF, or whomever, do your pumping before the event begins. This will get you all engorged, sensitive and loaded for pleasure before your partner joins in the fun. In fact, if you get the hang of the whole pumping thing on your own first, you’ll be able to show your partner the ropes, as it were; so that he or she will be able to incorporate the pump-job into the sex play next time you’re together.

Good luck

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Early Spring 2014 Q&A Show — Podcast #413 — 03/31/14

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Hey sex fans,rifleman

After a spate of marvelous interview shows, it’s time to turn our attention to the sexually worrisome in our audience. I have a swell Q&A show in store for you today, which just so happens to be our last podcast before our annual spring break. Each of my correspondents is eager to share his or her sex and relationship concerns with us. And I will do my level best to make my responses informative, enriching and maybe even a little entertaining. And I think there will be enough time for us to do some sex science too. So please stay tuned, you won’t want to miss this.

  • Kennedy, Jim, and Ronald’s lives are being fucked up by meth.
  • Sam wants to know about and share some information about penis pumps.
  • Rebecca has a heartbreaking story to tell of the last days before her husband of 46 years died.
  • Tracy asks about babies and gender. So you know it’s time for some Sex Science.

Today’s podcast is bought to you by: Dr Dick’s Sex Advice and Dr Dick’s Sex Toy Reviews.


Look for my podcasts on iTunes. You’ll find me in the podcast section, obviously, or just search for Dr Dick Sex Advice. And don’t forget to subscribe. I wouldn’t want you to miss even one episode.

Down, but not out

Name: Roger
Gender: Male
Age: 70s
Location: Saugatuck Michigan
Hi– linked to your very interesting site via Allkink. My question: last year I underwent radiation on my prostate; it was enlarged and had cancer cells. Apparently it did the job, since my PSA is way down and the Dr. says I’ve shrunk, and am healthy otherwise. But since then I am almost totally impotent (don’t get erect when I want to, though sometimes get semi-erect at random times). I can still orgasm, but don’t ejaculate; sometimes a little clear fluid dribbles out afterwards. Curiously, I could still ejaculate during and right after the radiation treatments, but not now. Also in general a noticeable decrease in libido. Needless to say, very annoying.

I’m gay, solo, in my 70s, celibate since mid-1980s when I tested HIV-, and a dedicated bottom. I knew I was at risk, and “safe-sex” just didn’t turn me on. I’ve been using dildos of all sizes for years. Now, insertion has become a little painful (kinda stings, like the first times way back when), but after several tries they go in OK. Those of larger girth or not-very-smooth texture are really difficult, and I’ve pretty much given up on them (though “John Holmes” still works!). There is occasionally a little blood on the dildo afterwards, but bleeding doesn’t persist, and Dr. says I have no hemorrhoid. The radiologist did warn me that the treatment might produce scar tissue in the colon. Is that a possibility?

I hate to think that I ought to give up altogether on my little pleasures, but would welcome you advice/opinion. I haven’t discussed this with my urologist, whom I don’t know very well, but did bring it up with my (female) GP, who didn’t seem overly concerned and merely suggested lots of lube, which was not news to me.PMB110

Wow, Roger, that was a mouthful. I am so delighted that you wrote in. I love hearing from folks in their 60’s 70’s and 80’s who are still enjoying a rich and fulfilling sex life, even if it is by themselves. I am of the mind that self-pleasuring can be some of the most rewarding sex available to a person at any age. And nowadays, with all the amazing sex toys on the market, one can enjoy solitary sexual pleasure like never before.

I’ve written and spoken a lot about prostate issues including the aftermath of cancer treatments. May I suggest that you take a look at the CATEGORY section on the sidebar of my site? There you will find a category labeled “Health Concerns.” There are subcategories for “Anal Fissures,”  and one for “Prostatectomy.”  I realize that you haven’t had a radical prostatectomy, but your situation is very similar to those men who have. If you click on either of those two subcategories you will find loads of useful information in both written and podcasts form.

In the meantime, let me see if I can address some of your questions in a nutshell. You ask about possible scar tissue from radiation therapy. The short answer is; yes, scar tissue is possible, even probable. And as we all know scar tissue is not nearly as pliable as regular tissue. Scar tissue also MR01034has fewer nerve ending than normal tissue. You could be injuring yourself without even knowing it since the sensations in your ass are considerably less then they once were. I’d be willing to guess that this might be the source of the bleeding you report. Maybe you need to retire the really big toys, like the John Holmes, and enjoy something more modest for the time being. Another suggestion is to try an inflatable dildo.  or a smaller insertable that vibrates.  There are several on the market. You can find several in My Stockroom. The advantage to something like the inflatable dildo is that you could insert something relatively narrow  and inflate to a larger size once inside. This would avoid ramming a big dildo in bum from the get go. And a vibrating insertable would add stimulation without the length or girth.E477

As to your erection issues; yeah, I hear ya. Aging alone will take its toll on the hydraulics that give us wood. When you couple that with the trauma of invasive surgery and/or radiation therapy, well it’s no wonder stiffies elude us. I tell the men that I see in my private practice, who are similarly challenged as you, to use a cock ring  to assist in getting the best boner possible under the circumstances. A penis pump works pretty well too, if you want to go the distance.  I have lots more to say about these devices if you care to hear about it.

C923Also, several men I know with erection concerns are taking a cue from the women folk and employing a vibrator in their sex play. There are the insertable kind, as I’ve already mentioned, and there are external ones too. Have you given this option a thought? The extra stimulation a vibrator can produce will increase blood flow and thus a more substantial boner. I have a whole lot more to say about this too if you care to write to me for that information.

In the end, it will be desire that will continue to propel you to further enjoy yourself and the pleasures your body has to offer. I wish you continued lust and many more years of healthy and life-affirming sexuality.

Good luck

Is bigger better?

Name: Marie
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Location: Florida
I’ve had sex with exactly two guys. Each one has had an average sized penis, but both thought they were small. The sex we had was nice and I was happy with it. What I don’t understand is why guys have this obsession with having a large penis? From everything I’ve read, most women don’t care about size and yet that’s all I hear about from my guy friends. What gives?

Like I always say — Nothing quite captures a dude’s imagination like his cock. Its size, shape and general appearance is a source of endless wonderment. Unfortunately, along with all that wonderment there often comes envy. I wrote a long column about much the same thing back in February — Willie Worry & Willie Pride.huge pen..

I suppose if we never had anything to compare it to, our precious willie would be the best darn willie there ever was. That’s the beauty of self-love. Funny though how a guy’s self-admiration can evaporate when he’s confronted with the sight of some other fella swinging some heavy pipe. This change in mood is pretty predictable. Some people suggest that we have been programmed to believe that big is better. And this is a throwback to when us men folk were just learning to stand upright and move about on two legs. It would have been pretty obvious what we have hangin’ down there

Since the time of our primate ancestors, humans have worshiped the male phallus. At first the representations were nothing more than crude upright pillars of wood or stone called a lingam. The Egyptians created a more exalted depiction — the obelisk — to represent the sun god, Ra’s, cock. In time, the obelisk would morph into the church steeple and the mosque’s minaret, as the preferred religion changed with the ages. When capitalism became the new creed, the steeple and minaret morphed once again into the skyscraper. Simple upright pillar or immense high-rise they’re all statements of virility, power and prestige. And isn’t it just like us to believe that the city with the biggest skyscraper wins. If this “bigger is better” sort of mentality has been going on in art, architecture and religion for several millennia, you know for sure it’s been happening on an individual level too.

tantric_lingam_stone_536   Munich, Obelisk     Toshiba Exif JPEG     Istanbul_+Blaue+Moschee+Minarette14     swirl-skyscraper

From the beginning of recorded time different cultures have designated cock size as an outer sign of a man’s inner values. The size of a guy’s dong was synonymous with his status, power, masculinity and sexual potency. Curiously, the ancient Greeks prized a puny pecker as the standard of male beauty. A big dick was an object of ridicule. Their mythology saddled the satyrs — woodland creatures with pointy satyrears, hairy legs, and short goat-like horns — with exaggerated cocks to symbolize their excess and lechery. Aristotle reasoned that a small penis was more fertile than a large one, because the semen didn’t have to travel as far and it didn’t cool as much while making its ejaculatory journey. Whatever, Aristotle!

The Hindus also cherished a tiny endowment. Men with the smallest phallus, 2-3 inches, were the beautiful ideal. They were characterized as lithe and strong. Prodigious packages of 9+ inches were compared to those of the beasts. And men who possessed them were considered worthless and lazy. Imagine trying to sell these concepts today.

Except for the Greeks and Hindus, everyone else idolized generous phallic dimensions. For example, so obsessed were the Arabs with the notion big dick superiority that the Turks of the Ottoman Empire took advantage of this mindset. It was the practice of the Turks to publicly compare the cock size of vanquished Arab leaders with the superior size cocks of their own Turkish commanders. This, in the end, effectively shattered Arab resistance.

shunga5fbooks5fpillow5fbooks5f5f77Japanese “pillow books,” an early form of Asian porn, always depicted the men with exaggerated cocks and this was always to the delight of the admiring women. In renaissance Europe it was fashionable for men to don a “codpiece,” a primitive jock strap sort of thing sewn inside a guy’s drawers. The design was obviously intended to emphasize his package. Men of modest endowment, of course, found it necessary to pad their codpiece or be the object of scorn.

Here’s a startling statistic — Dr. Barry McCarthy, author of “Male Sexual Awareness,” found that two out of three men believe their dick is smaller than average. Isn’t that astonishing? How is that possible? I suppose given this culturally induced big dick bias, it’s no wonder men, of almost every historical age and society, have been obsessed with disguising their shortcomings, or trying to develop a method to compensate for what they consider to be their woeful inadequacy?

Around two thousand years ago, men in several tribes in Africa popularized the practice of hanging a weight from their cock. Actually, many historians believe the practice harkens back to ancient Egypt. The pharaohs were known to stretch their cock and balls using weights to increase sexual pleasure. Lots of guys do this very thing today — mostly for pleasure enhancement, but there are always those who think this is an effective way to increase the size of their dick.SURMA SURI TRIBE - OMO ETHIOPIA

Hanging a weight from the end of your cock (and/or balls) will sure enough stretch the tissues that make up your shaft (and/or sack). It’s gravity at work. But this can be dangerous because this practice can diminish the circulation of oxygen-rich blood, which is essential for the upkeep of the smooth muscle tissue. And smooth muscle tissue makes up about 90% of your cock. And doggoneit, this technique simply robs Peter to pay Paul, so to speak. What lengthening might happen comes at the expense of your dick’s thickness. Just stands to reason, you have only so much cock to work with. If you pull on it; it may get longer, but it’ll also gonna get thinner.

A modern variation on the age-old stretching techniques is the traction method. A guy puts his cock in a kind of noose and either straps his wiener to his leg, or hooks it up to a traction contraption that looks way too much like a medieval torture device for my tastes. The claim here is that constant stretching, makes the cells in this area divide and multiply, thus increasing the tissue mass. There’s no arguing with the concept, people have been using this method of centuries as a means of adorning and customizing their bodies, particularly lips and ears. Consider the women of the Surma tribe in Ethiopia — they wear lip plates. Their lower lip is pierced when they are young girls and stretched with ever-larger plates over time. But what they gain in beauty, they loose in sensitivity. The same thing is true of a guy’s cock. What he may gain in size he will surely loose in sensitivity. And that’s not a good thing.

The Jelq or Milking technique is an ancient method of penis enlargement practiced in the Middle East. Traditionally it was taught father to son when the kid reached adolescence. Wealthy families sent their boys to a gym or health club where a highly trained attendant would perform the Jelq technique on the boy each day. As a result of these daily treatments the kid’s dick would develop to dimensions not otherwise attained without the method. Modern day advocates of this technique claim that milking also works on the fully developed adult penis, but I have my reservations.

The Jelq involves massaging the semi-erect cock in a rhythmic and regular manner, enhancing blood flow within the shaft. The claim is that after several months of this, one could see a size increase, both in girth and length. Long-time practitioners claim gains of several inches in length are possible, but one can only imagine how many hours that might take over the course of a year or longer. Effective jelqing demands an hour or more each day for exercises. I mean, who has that kind of free time on his hands? No wonder most men fail to complete their jelqing programs.

Old_penis_pumpPenis enlargement pills and patches proliferate on internet, but there is virtually no documented evidence that they work. All such products use herbal ingredients, like ginkgo biloba and yohimbe, which act as stimulants and vasodilators. The best one can say is that some pills may enhance blood flow, which may, in some cases, cause an ever so slightly bigger woody. Once a program like this is started, it needs to be continued for as long as you want the effect to last. Imagine how much that would cost; this stuff is expensive

Finally, the early 20th century brings the advent of modern technology to the “treatment” of impotence, or as we currently know it: erectile dysfunction. Please note, all the devices and surgical interventions of the last 100 years were initially designed to treat ED. Only later did folks begin to use these interventions as male enhancement schemes. Take the Austrian inventor Otto Ledever for example. He reasoned that if a stiffy was all about blood flow then maybe he could come up with a device that would draw blood into a cock creating an erection where there wasn’t one before. In 1917, our hero patented an airtight cylinder topped by a bulb that created a vacuum within the chamber. Insert a limp dick — pump, pump, pump and TADA! — An impressive erection resulted. There was a rub, however. When the vacuum was eliminated and the cylinder removed the “faux-erection” drained away nearly as quickly as it arrived. It was only a matter of time till our friend, Otto, discovered that ya gotta constrict the flow of blood back into the body once the guy’s peanut was engorged. And that, my friends was the birth of the cockring! Isn’t science amazing?

Good luck

Great Balls of Fire!

Name: Owen
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Location: Sydney
I got a penis pump as gag gift for my last birthday. We all got a good laugh when I open the package with all my friends sitting around. I put it away thinking I would never use such a thing, mostly because I didn’t know how to use it. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago. I was bored and while rummaging through my closet I came up with the pump. I decided to figure out how it worked. It was great fun, but I would never tell anyone about this. On a whim I decided to put my balls in the pump because I am really into ball play. I discovered that I liked this even more than I liked the pump on my cock. I don’t know who else to ask, so here goes. Is ball pumping dangerous?

You are such a clever lad, Owen. See, what they say about idle hands being the devils workshop is true, huh?

Actually, guys have been stretching their balls for just about as long as us men folk have had balls to stretch…and that’s a mighty long time. The only thing that screams male virility and potency as much as a big dick is a pair of big low hangin’ nuts. In fact in many societies throughout history a man’s cajones were considered sacred. They were revered as objects of religious, social, cultural and even magical power. In fact in ancient Rome, when a man would take an oath he would grab his balls, just like we put our hand on a bible today. In fact, that’s where we got the word, “testify”, from the Latin: testis.

Men discovered early on that ball stretching was both erotic fun and relatively easy to do. Just to clarify…when I say ball stretching, what I really mean is sack (scrotum) stretching. One cannot really increase the size of his balls (testicles). Soon men in many societies were stretching their junk to call attention to their manliness. With the help of a stretching device of one sort or another, and there are several, men were able to lengthen their balls with very little effort.

So, you’ve discovered the joys of ball stretching using your penis pump, huh? You are not alone. This is a very popular fetish/pastime. Since you already know that your balls are sensitive to touch, pressure and temperature let’s spend a minute getting acquainted with what we have hanging between our legs.

Your family jewels, formally called “testes” are nestled within your nutsack, formally called a “scrotum”. Your two gonads (some guys are born with just one) are your male reproductive organs. They’re kinda oval shaped and are, on average, 1 3/4″ long by 1” wide. Each ball resides in its own independent sac. Your left nut probably hangs lower in its sac than the right one. This is nature’s way of keeping them from banging into one another all the time.

Your ‘nads produce the male hormone, testosterone, and also produce sperm cells. Each one has a number of small tubes attached to it called the epididymides. There’s another tube attached to each ball called the vas deferens (the chord). The vas deferens carry your sperm cells to the prostate gland where the sperm is mixed with seminal fluid. And when the time comes, the whole mess comes shootin’ our your johnson as spooge.

Why not take a minute to carefully fondle one of your balls. If you can picture in your mind’s eye the anatomy of your testicle while you’re groping around down there, you can actually feel the difference between the epididymides and the vas deferens. If you’re not familiar with your testicular anatomy, search the internets for a visual aid, like a nice diagram. These diagrams are not hard to find. Even this gentle non-erotic probing feels way good, huh? No wonder having someone suck on our nuts can drive us boys wild. But I digress.

We’ll get to your questions about ball pumping safety in a minute, Owen. But before we do, I’d like to take this opportunity to look at alternative means of ball stretching for all those in my audience who would like to experiment, but don’t have a pump.

The first method is the simplest and you don’t even need no stinkin’ equipment. Let’s call this the manual method. All ya do is give your huevos a nice sustained tug. Alternate your tugging with some nice ball massage. Over time this will help to lengthen you ball sack because you’re manually forcing it downward. The more you pull and the longer you pull, the more you will affect the hang of your balls. This method is particularly effective after a hot bath or shower. Your skin will be at its most pliable then. This method is safe and effective and even a rank amateur can pull it off, so to speak. You’re not gonna see a lot of results immediately, but your patience will pay off. Listen, even if your objective is not to get lower hanging balls, this’ll be fun and pleasurable all on its one. It might just get you to pay your balls some attention while you’re jerkin off. And that will make both you and your nuts much happier.

Kicking things up a notch, you can invest in a relatively inexpensive ball stretcher. You’ll find a whole bunch of them in Dr Dick’s Stockroom. The most common type of stretcher is a leather band. There are also Neoprene and metal ones too. Simply put, these little buggers just make a space between your testicles and your body. The thicker the band, the greater the space…obviously! Some of these stretchers come weighted; others allow you to add weights to them. This is probably not advised for the novice stretcher, but you’ll be surprised how much fun this can be. Just have your wits about you when you try this. Too much weight for too long a time can cause serious injury. Make sure you use a lubricant to help reduce chafing during your stretching session. Also if you do use weights, don’t move around when you have them attached. That’s just common sense.

Now to the vacuum pump method. Some guys pump their balls separate from their dick, as apparently you do, Owen. Others pump cock and balls together. There are even specifically designed cylinders to facilitate this. For safety sake, keep your pumping sessions to 10 minutes or less. You can throw in a nice massage session afterward and you’ll be one happy fella. Remember overuse or over-enthusiastic pumping can cause blood vessel damage, bruising and blistering. If you’re lucky enough to have a pressure gage on the device you’re using, always keep the pressure between -5 and –10 in Hg (mercury inches), never more.

Your scrotum is highly elastic, so the lengthening you produce will mostly be temporary, unless you do this on a regular basis. Effects will diminish over a period of 24-48 hours.

Good luck

Sex Advice With An Edge — Podcast #149 — 08/31/09

[Look for the podcast play button below.]

Hey sex fans,

I guess everyone is enjoying The Erotic Mind
series as much as me.  So yeah for that!  women_bath Apparently you love to listen to my chats with these brilliant artists and authors as much as I enjoy interviewing them.  But while I’m busy doing that, my in-box and voicemail gets clogged with messages from the sexually worrisome looking for advice.  And ya know what?  They’ve come to the right palace; and so have you.  Today’s show is all Q&A.

So make yourself comfortable it’s gonna be a very interesting ride.

  • Giggles says she’s gettin off on Joy.
  • Anonymous wants to learn how to blow himself.
  • Celia thinks her clit is too little.
  • Deborah wants the low-down on open relationships!
  • Then there’s a whole bunch of quickies.


Check out The Lick-A-Dee-Split Connection. That’s Dr Dick’s toll free podcast voicemail HOTLINE. Don’t worry people; no one will personally answer the phone. Your message goes directly to voicemail.

Got a question or a comment? Wanna rant or rave? Or maybe you’d just like to talk dirty for a minute or two. Why not get it off your chest! Give Dr Dick a call at (866) 422-5680.


Look for all of my podcasts on iTunes.  You’ll find me in the podcast section, obviously. Just search for Dr Dick Sex Advice. And don’t forget to subscribe. I wouldn’t want you to miss even one episode.

Sex Advice With An Edge — Podcast #70 — 07/07/08

[Look for the podcast play button below.]

Hey sex fans,

We have a big sweet load of very stimulating questions from the sexually worrisome. I, of course, respond with an equal number of clever, resourceful and oh so informative responses! Hey, it’s what I do.

  • Pete is rubbin’ his dick the wrong way!
  • Heater is no longer into her husband of 10 years.
  • Scott gets nauseous when someone thinks he sexy.
  • Afeisha can’t cum with a partner.
  • Grant wants to pump himself a big one!


Check out The Lick-A-Dee-Split Connection. That’s Dr Dick’s toll free podcast voicemail HOTLINE. Don’t worry people; no one will personally answer the phone. Your message goes directly to voicemail.
Got a question or a comment? Wanna rant or rave? Or maybe you’d just like to talk dirty for a minute or two. 😉
Why not get it off your chest! Give Dr Dick a call at (866) 422-5680.


Look for my podcasts on iTunes. You’ll find me in the podcast section, obviously. Just search for Dr Dick Sex Advice. And don’t forget to subscribe. I wouldn’t want you to miss even one episode.

I wanna take a moment to alert you to a new feature here on It’s my PRODUCT REVIEW page. That’s right sex fans, now you can see what’s hot and what’s not in the world of adult products.

From time to time I will be posting reviews of all kinds of adult related goodies — sex toys for sure, but also condoms, lubes, fetish gear as well as educational and
enrichment videos.


Look for the Product Reviews tab right there at the top of

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