The Erotic Mind of Leanne Bell — Podcast #152 — 09/14/09

[Look for the podcast play button below.]

Hey sex fans,

Over the next two weeks, and in both of my podcast series on Mondays and Wednesdays, I helen_green_0027_samplewill be featuring two absolutely amazing women.  Both of these very talented women are taking a lead role in helping change our society’s perception of female sexuality and the gift of physical beauty.  And each is doing it from what might, at first glance, appear to be the polar opposite of the other.  I love my work!  You’ll just have to tune in on both days to see what I mean.

Today I have the honor of introducing you to an exquisite photographer from Ontario Canada.  We scrutinize The Erotic Mind of Leanne Bell.  She, along with her equally talented husband, Dwayne, takes the photography of women to a new level of simplicity and sophistication.  They unabashedly celebrate female physical beauty in the most extraordinary and riveting way.  It’s as if they dress their models in nudity.  You won’t want to miss a moment of this intriguing conversation.

Leanne and I discuss:

  • Her photography being both eye candy and mind candy.
  • The apparent contradiction of nudity and moral values.
  • The art of poising her models in everyday situations.
  • Nudity as an organic part of the photograph.
  • Cultural opposition to celebrating female physical beauty.
  • The gift of beauty and how it is often denigrated.

And for more of Leanne’s thoughts and vision, I encourage you to visit her website HERE.  And from there, you’ll be able to link through to her other sites, including the thought provoking:

See a slideshow of some of Leanne’s work.  Click on the thumbnails below.

[nggallery id=43]


Check out The Lick-A-Dee-Split Connection. That’s Dr Dick’s toll free podcast voicemail HOTLINE. Don’t worry people; no one will personally answer the phone. Your message goes directly to voicemail.

Got a question or a comment? Wanna rant or rave? Or maybe you’d just like to talk dirty for a minute or two. Why not get it off your chest! Give Dr Dick a call at (866) 422-5680.


Look for all my podcasts on iTunes.  You’ll find me in the podcast section, obviously. Just search for Dr Dick Sex Advice. And don’t forget to subscribe. I wouldn’t want you to miss even one episode.

Today’s Podcast is bought to you by: DR DICK’S  — HOW TO VIDEO LIBRARY.


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