Watching porn has a ‘higher than expected’ impact on men’s sex drive and performance

By Julia Naftulin A new study found that the more a man watches porn, the more likely he is to experience erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction mostly affects older men, but the study authors found that 23% of men under 35 had experienced the condition. They said the correlation between porn consumption and erectile dysfunction was …

More than half of men over 60 may have problems in the bedroom

By Steven Petrow Ask a roomful of men in their 60s whether they have any kind of sexual dysfunction — such as problems with erections, sex drive and overall satisfaction — and about 60 percent should raise their hand, studies suggest. They probably won’t, since the topic is fraught with stigma, shame and fear of …

Many Young Women Face a Seriously Underreported Issue When It Comes to Their Sex Lives

By CARLY CASSELLA Anyone who’s heard of viagra knows that male sexual dysfunction is a widespread and overwhelmingly-researched issue. On the other hand, we know far less about female sexual dysfunction, even though its incidence is ‘alarmingly high‘, especially among young people. New research now suggests roughly half of all Australian women aged 18 to …

Why So Many Women Aren’t Enjoying Sex as Much as They Could

The messages you hear about sex while growing up have consequences in adulthood, a study suggests. By Claire Gillespie For many of us, sex ed doesn’t end in high school. It’s not unusual to have to do some serious work decades after the first mention of the birds and the bees––often to try to repair …

Sexist attitudes towards sex are cheating women of orgasms – and worse

The myth that women just ‘go along’ with sex denies their right to pleasure and makes it harder to convict men who rape By Rebecca Hitchen We may like to think we’re quite sexually free and equal these days, but an End Violence Against Women Coalition/YouGov survey of nearly 4,000 adults finds that two-fifths of …

More cardio is linked to better orgasms in women and less erectile dysfunction in men

By Julia Naftulin If your go-to workout involves running, swimming, or biking, your sex life may be benefiting. A new study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that people who spent more time doing those cardio workouts had fewer physical sex problems, like erectile dysfunction for men or inability to feel aroused for women, …

Sexual satisfaction among older people about more than just health

Communication and being in a happy relationship, along with health, are important for sexual satisfaction among older people, according to new research published in PLOS ONE. Sexual expression is increasingly recognised as important throughout the life course, in maintaining relationships, promoting self-esteem and contributing to health and well-being. Although health care professionals are being urged …

If You’re Sexually Woke, Then Let Straight Men Experiment Freely

“Through [gay] experiences, I found out that I am completely straight. I won’t go back.” by Bobby Box When a woman mentions she’s had an “experimental phase,” it’s often shrugged off as a shared experience. But when men share this same information, the results are often more extreme: They’re teased, labeled gay, or their masculinity …