Why don’t we talk about high female sex drives in relationships?

by Jasmine Wallis It’s time for a role reversal. The other week one of my friends jumped into my DMs. “I keep having sex dreams because I’m so horny.” She was venting to me, frustrated at her long-term male partner for not wanting sex as much as she did. “It’s so annoying because I don’t …

How to Talk to Your Partner About What You Want in Bed

— Because Communication Is Sexy by Olivia Luppino If you want to have great sex, you’re going to have to speak up. Every person and every sexual relationship is different, so it’s important to be open with your partner about what works best for you. With all the historical stigma surrounding sex, prevailing slut-shaming, and …

What Ethical Non-Monogamy Is and Isn’t

Ethical non-monogamy, polyamory, and open relationships are gaining popularity. But what exactly are they and how do you practice them? by Sian Ferguson Ethical non-monogamy, also known as consensual non-monogamy, is a relationship style that’s been in the spotlight lately. There are many ways to practice ethical nonmonogamy. For some, that might look like polyamory, …

Am I BiSexual?

16 Signs That It Ain’t No Lie, You’re Bi Bi Bi by Lianna Bass Bisexual (aka bi) peeps are romantically or sexually interested in more than one gender. But NGL, that definition is a bit basic. The sexual spectrum is a vast, beautiful, and sometimes confusing thing. “Our culture is so oriented to binaries, it …