Four Ways to Destigmatize Abortion in Everyday Conversations

At a time when we are being inundated with anti-choice bans, we all have a responsibility to challenge the myths, misinformation, and stigma surrounding abortion that contribute to a culture where such laws are seen as valid. By Ellen Friedrichs If you feel like anti-abortion bills are being passed by Republican lawmakers at every turn, …

5 Things Straight People Can Learn from Queer Sex

By Ariana DiValentino Being queer, in some ways, is a blessing. If there’s one thing the queer world is good at, it’s having really, really good sex. Of course, there’s no such thing as “the” queer world — it’s a multitude of communities, localities, subcultures, and identifications. Within queer spaces, there tend to be prevailing …

Why Being In A Throuple Could Be Your Best Relationship Ever

By Aryelle Siclait You’ve heard that two’s company and three’s a crowd. But throuples are here to prove that three—yes, three—is where the party’s at. As you may have guessed, a throuple is a romantic relationship between three people. And while the term might be new to you, Ann Rosen Spector, PhD, a clinical psychologist …

Why Is There So Little Help For Women With Sexual Dysfunction

(But Plenty For Men)? By Natalie Gil It’s not just that we’re having less sex – problems between the sheets (or wherever you have sex) are common, even among young people, if countless surveys, problem pages and pieces of anecdotal evidence are to be believed. The most recent National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles …