Porn for Women

— 15 Feminist Porn Sites You’ll Really, Really Enjoy By martinerobert Many women watch pornography, but for a long time they found it impossible to find it. For women.. There’s a lot of feminist porn out there these days, but it can be a little tricky to find. Many free sites often feel like they …

Real Couples Discuss How Non-Monogamy Benefits Their Relationship

It can be done. By Kendall Keith Monogamous relationships are challenging enough in their own right, but not everyone finds them to be compatible with who they are intrinsically. There’s often a moral stigma centered around ethical non-monogamy (ENM) or consensual non-monogamy (CNM), and with that comes a disconnect and generalized misconception of what it …

How I Have Sex

— “I Can End Up Feeling Nothing Even When All the Right ‘Spots’ Are Touched” By The Swaddle Team The first time I remember thinking about sex was at the age of 15, when I started dating my first boyfriend. As teenagers, we were curious about this and started thinking about it more when there …

“For lots of us, lockdown has been a time of sexual self-discovery”

by Meena Alexander Much has been written about the global ‘sex recession’, with studies showing that – for reasons both practical and psychological – we’re having much less of it right now. It makes sense: social distancing and a very stressful year will do that to us. But there’s a flipside to this coin. The …