Threesome Tips: 6 Things You Should Know Before Having One

By Sophie Saint Thomas Yes, “unicorn” is a problematic term for a person who joins a couple for a threesome (they’re a person, not a sex toy or prop). But the title gets one thing right: Like unicorns, enthusiastic guest stars in couples’ sexual adventures are hard to find. (I refuse to accept that unicorns …

What to Do When You Want More—or Less—Sex Than Your Partner

By Justin Lehmiller [A]nyone who’s ever been in a long-term relationship knows that, when it comes to sex, we aren’t always on the same wavelength as our partners. Sometimes we’re in the mood, but our partner isn’t. Or maybe it’s the other way around. Either way, it’s usually not a big deal—unless it starts happening over …

‘Why won’t you have sex with me?’ A real look at disability and relationships

Louise Bruton’s Dublin Fringe Festival show examines our ignorance and prejudices, and takes a real look at disability, sex and relationships Louise Bruton is on her way to buy Buckfast ahead of a visit to a friend’s festival on Inishturk island. Standard. Bruton is a writer and journalist who rose to prominence with her website …

Sex Education Based on Abstinence? There’s a Real Absence of Evidence

By Aaron E. Carroll [S]ex education has long occupied an ideological fault line in American life. Religious conservatives worry that teaching teenagers about birth control will encourage premarital sex. Liberals argue that failing to teach about it ensures more unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. So it was a welcome development when, a few years …

In college, sexual empowerment is more important than ever

By Kelsey Thompson Of the many anxieties incoming college students face, like heart attack-inducing syllabi or annoying roommates, one is particularly dreadful: hook-up culture. The transition from high school to college is marked by increased independence and exposure to new people and experiences. So things get especially complicated when relationships and sex come into play. …

4 things we really need to stop saying (and believing) about depression and sex

By JoEllen Notte for I always say that sex and depression is the intersection of two taboo topics. It’s especially hard to talk about the two together because, frankly, it can be hard to talk about either topic separately. Today, we’re going to look at some commonly held (and oft-repeated) beliefs that really need …

All the reasons to masturbate — that have nothing to do with sex

By WHIMN [M]asturbation has so many health benefits, it should come with a certified AMA tick of approval. It increases blood flow, flushes your body with lovely endorphins, alleviates stress, boosts your self-confidence and keeps you in tune with your body and your sexuality. In short, it makes you feel great, and here at whimn, …

No, Open and Nonmonogamous Relationships Are Not Just for White People

  By Monique Judge [S]how of hands: Who here was raised to believe that the only healthy, positive relationships are ones that are monogamous, just one-on-one? Now a show of hands: Who here thinks monogamy is bullshit? Many of us were raised on the idea that we would grow up and find one person whom …