The Dangers of Recreational Viagra

— The risks of taking Viagra without erectile dysfunction range from mild side effects to dangerous drug interactions By Raevti Bole, MD Advertisements for erectile dysfunction (ED) medication are everywhere. Viagra® and Cialis® are enormously popular. And as the ads suggest, they’re highly effective at improving sexual performance in people with ED.< But the use …

Lack of sex education in GOP states puts students at risk

By Sunjae Lee Although it may be a cliche, there is some truth to the trope ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ — whether it be through teachers, pediatricians, athletic coaches or politicians who create laws directly affecting youth. But in some states across the U.S., the adults in charge of youth policies …

Here’s How Sex and Intimacy Help You Live Longer

— Says Molly Maloof, M.D. By Molly Maloof For many, sex is fun and pleasurable—but it’s also pretty important to human existence. Sex plays a significant role in individual well-being, and perhaps even longevity. Unfortunately, some public health organizations and entities continue to advertise not-so-positive outcomes after having sex, such as sexually transmitted infections, unintended …

6 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Sex after 50

— Vaginal dryness, erection challenges, safe sex and more By Ellen Uzelac With most physicians ill prepared to talk about sexual health and many patients too embarrassed or ashamed to broach the subject, sex has become this thing we don’t discuss in the examining room. “So many doctors talk about the benefits of nutrition, sleep, …

Let’s Talk About Sex

— The Science, the Script, the Human Right Why do we do ’it,’ fundamentally—have sex? Sex researchers, locally and abroad, are trying to drive home that it’s about a basic human right: pleasure. By Amy Nelson and Erik Tormoen Elbow-to-elbow, Minnesotans are filling up a large side room in Fulton Brewery on a Tuesday night …

Taking Antibiotic After Sex Could Slash Your Risk for an STI.

— Here’s What to Know By Ernie Mundell If you’re sexually active, taking the antibiotic doxycycline within 72 hours of sex might help prevent an STI Syphilis cases are surging in the United States, making ‘Doxy on Demand’ a welcome weapon against the disease Taking doxycycline shouldn’t be a substitute for condom use, experts say …


Virginity is a very touchy issue in just about every culture on the globe. Curiously enough, it’s almost always exclusively about female virginity. This sad double standard gives rise to emotional conflicts for both genders. But again, it is young women and girls who bear the brunt of it. Let’s begin with Katelyn who’s 18 …

Tips on How to Increase Penis Sensitivity

— Experiencing a decrease in penis sensitivity can be a frustrating experience and something that people don’t often talk about. However, there are effective solutions available that can increase penis sensitivity and restore the pleasure experienced during sexual activities. This article will explore these solutions and provide valuable insights to help you regain a fulfilling …

Anal Douching

— How to Prepare and Do It Safely If you’ve ever considered exploring anal play, it’s natural to have concerns about the potential mess involved. While this mess is nothing to be ashamed of, many people seek a cleaner experience and turn to anal douching. Let’s explore precisely what anal douching is and how to …

A new morning-after pill to stop STDs could also make the problem worse

By Fenit Nirappil Public health officials are deploying a powerful new weapon in the war against rising sexually transmitted infections: a common antibiotic that works as a morning-after pill. It is the latest advancement as the sexual health field shifts to preventive medicine — not just condoms, abstinence and tests — as the best hope …