Misconceptions about older adults’ sexuality can cause ageist beliefs.

— Here’s what one study found Society’s beliefs about aging and sex are complex and vary widely, but one common belief is that disinterest in sex is a standard part of aging. A recent study explores how misconceptions like these can complicate the acceptance of older adults’ sexual lives. The study surveyed 270 young adults, ages …

Top 10 drugs that may contribute to sexual dysfunction

By Naveed Saleh, MD, MS Key Takeaways A variety of prescription medications, along with the conditions they treat, may contribute to sexual dysfunction. Some of these drugs are known to interfere with sexual health, such as antidepressants and beta blockers; lesser known culprits include thiazide diuretics or opioids. Clinicians can help by being aware of …

Pup Play

— Kink communities can help people build connections and improve their body image By Phillip Joy  and Kinda Wassef In recent years, the world of kink lifestyles and subcultures has gained increasing attention. Kink is a general term that includes various expressions of unconventional or non-traditional sexual desires. This encompasses a wide array of practices, …

Why Sexual Health Matters

— An Essential Aspect of Overall Well-Being By Megan Taylor Regarding our overall well-being, it is crucial not to overlook sexual health. While physical and mental health often take the spotlight, we must not underestimate the importance of sexual health in maintaining a fully functional life. It impacts our physical well-being and plays a significant …

Tips on How to Increase Penis Sensitivity

— Experiencing a decrease in penis sensitivity can be a frustrating experience and something that people don’t often talk about. However, there are effective solutions available that can increase penis sensitivity and restore the pleasure experienced during sexual activities. This article will explore these solutions and provide valuable insights to help you regain a fulfilling …