What doctors wish patients knew about getting a vasectomy

By Sara Berg, MS When discussing reproductive health choices, one procedure has been gaining attention—especially since the fall of Roe v. Wade—for its effectiveness: the vasectomy. As individuals and couples explore long-term contraception options, vasectomies have emerged as a popular choice for those seeking a permanent solution—rates have increased by 26% in the past decade. …

The Lesbian Bed Death could be plaguing thousands of women

By Alice Giddings It may be 2024, but one controversial term from the 1980s is coming back from the grave. Lesbian Bed Death is, simply put, the idea that lesbian couples have less sex. It’s a sweeping generalisation of the gay community, but why has it gained traction? ‘Research by Blumstein & Schwartz in 1983 …

33 ways to have better, stronger orgasms

— Everything to know about the 11(!) types of orgasm. By Gabrielle Kassel, Korin Miller and Addison Aloian Look, everyone wants to have a mind-blowing orgasm every time they have sex. But unfortunately, it’s not always that easy. Only about half of women consistently climax during partnered play, and nine percent have never orgasmed during …

Here’s how to tell if a throuple might be right for you

— It’s not the same as an open relationship. By Aryelle Siclait and Lydia Wang The beautiful thing about non-monogamy is that it can take on many, varied forms: A non-monogamous dynamic can look like one polyamorous person having multiple romantic and sexual partners, or several individuals all in a non-hierarchical relationship together. One term …