41 homophobic things straight people say every day without realising

‘Okay but who’s the man and who’s the woman?’ By Izzy Schifano, Georgia Mooney & Harrison Brocklehurst You’re probably homophobic. Even if you don’t think you are, or if you don’t mean to be, I guarantee that on a regular basis you say homophobic things you don’t even realise are actually incredibly rude and harmful. LGBTQ+ …

Mutual masturbation can bring you closer to your partner, even over FaceTime

May is National Masturbation Month, and we’re celebrating with Feeling Yourself, a series exploring the finer points of self-pleasure. By Anna Iovine While hot vaxxed summer is rapidly approaching, that doesn’t mean everyone will suddenly drop their virtual connections for IRL experiences. More than half of Hinge users, for example, said they are still likely …

Keeping sex sexy when you’re trying to conceive

By a class=”byline-link byline-author-name” href=”https://www.insider.com/author/anna-medaris-miller” data-e2e-name=”byline-author-name”>Anna Medaris Miller Sex with the sole goal of getting pregnant can take the fun and connection out of the experience. Find ways to feel sexy without intercourse, sex therapist Ian Kerner said on the Pregnantish podcast.  Seeking sexual moments between ovulation windows can also lead to more relationship fulfillment …

Low Sex Drive?

6 Simple Home Remedies to Consider By Grace Murphy If your sex life has gotten boring or you are not getting as much action in the bedroom as you and your partner might like these days, the good news is that there are several things that you can do in your everyday life to improve …

Parents, for your ‘quaranteenager’s’ sexual health, talk to them about taking risks

By Jen Gilbert For the past year, the pandemic has shaped how young people have been forced to consider risk. Masks, social distancing, hand washing, staying home — these are new norms of safety for life as what’s popularly been dubbed a “quaranteenager.” And yet, as the weather warms, and we take tentative steps outside, …

Am I BiSexual?

16 Signs That It Ain’t No Lie, You’re Bi Bi Bi by Lianna Bass Bisexual (aka bi) peeps are romantically or sexually interested in more than one gender. But NGL, that definition is a bit basic. The sexual spectrum is a vast, beautiful, and sometimes confusing thing. “Our culture is so oriented to binaries, it …

How lockdown changed the sex lives of young adults – new research

By Liam Wignall & Mark McCormack Lockdown significantly affected our health (for good and bad), our work and how we socialise. These consequences have been widely discussed, but far less attention has been given to the effect on our sex lives. When lockdown came into force in the UK in March 2020, people from outside …

Sexually Frustrated?

How To Deal, Whether You’re Single Or In A Relationship by Farrah Daniel Anyone can experience sexual frustration from time to time, but it’s important to learn how to cope with the tension when sex is inaccessible, you’re not having the kind you want, or otherwise. What is sexual frustration? “Sexual frustration is dissatisfaction with …